Friday, March 8, 2019

Paket Lengkap Taktik Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Besar Di Perguruan Tinggi Tinggi Negeri

ABSTRACT: Human resourcesare the most important as set for an organization, including the IPB. Vision of IPB become World Classy University (WCU) and Research Based University (RBU) requires qualityhuman resources, especially lecturers and professors. Quality of human resources capable of alignIPB with the best universities in Indonesia and the world is a quality lecturers and professors are high performing. Good performance should be supported by a good performance management andappropriate strategies. This study aims to formulate alternative strategies that influence the performance professor. This research methoduses the AHP model (Analytical Hierarchy Process) with soft were of Expert Choice as an approach to looking at the structure and priorities of strategic alternatives. The results showed that the strategy of priorities to be implemented through the strategic management of IPB is development of self capacity in main priority to the education factorwith indicators is development of lecturing materials through the function and main role of head of department (Kadep).
Key words: strategy, performance, analytical hierarchy process
Penulis: Amir Tengku Ramly
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd161145

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