Sunday, March 10, 2019

Paket Lengkap Bentuk Loyalitas Donatur Pada Organisasi Filantropi

ABSTRACT: Baik organisasi keuntungan maupun nonlaba, keduanya membutuhkan korelasi yang baik dengan pelanggan (donatur). Relasi yang terjalin di antara donatur dan organisasi filantropi merupakan kunci untuk meraih keberhasilan dan kelanggengan organisasi. Tujuan dari artikel ini yakni untuk menggali dan menganalisis warta perihal bentuk-bentuk loyalitas pelanggan/donatur pada organisasi filantropi. Riset ini memakai metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan memakai teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) pada para donatur organisasi filantropi. Sebagai pembanding (tri angulasi), maka dilakukan wawancara mendalam juga dengan pakar administrasi pemasaran serta organisasi filantropi. Hasil riset memperlihatkan bahwa donatur yang mempunyai kesepakatan relasional yang tinggi, kepercayaan yang besar pada organisasi, dan rasa terima kasih pada organisasi filantropi cenderung mempunyai sikap loyal pada organisasi filantropi di mana mereka selama ini mendonasikan uangnya. Adapun bentuk-bentuk loyalitas yang mereka lakukan antara lain yakni berupa kemauan untuk terus memperlihatkan santunan di organisasi filantropi, apabila menerima rezeki yang lebih banyak maka jumlah bantuan yang mereka berikan juga akan ditingkatkan, tidak akan beralih ke organisasi lainnya, rela/berkenan untuk memperlihatkan santunan tenaga dan fikiran mereka apabila organisasi membutuhkannya, serta tidak sungkan-sungkan untuk memperlihatkan masukan demi kebaikan dan masa depan organisasi tersebut. Dengan demikian, hasil riset ini mendukung konsep relationship marketing dan konsep loyalitas di organisasi non laba.
Keywords: kesepakatan relasional, kepercayaan, rasa terima kasih, loyalitas, relationship marketing
Penulis: Tanti Handriana
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151552

Paket Lengkap Analisis Niat Sikap Anggota Komunitas Hijabers Surabaya Dalam Memakai Tabungan Syariah: Perspektif Theory Of Planned Behavior

ABSTRACT: A large number of muslim population in Indonesia have an impact on the development of muslim fashion in Indonesia and led to the emergence of muslim communities such as Hijabers Surabaya community. Hijabers Surabaya community also linked himself with sharia, such as cooperation with the islamic banking in which all community members will get free sharia account when joining the community.
This research focuses on the behavior and attitude of community members towards the use of sharia account by using the theory of planned behavior perspective. This study used Structural Equation Model. Total participants in this study amounted to 150 members. The results obtained in this study is: (1) Behavior belief affect the attitude toward behavior. (2) Normative belief not effect the subjective norm. (3) Motivation to comply not effect the subjective norm. (4) Control belief affect the perceived behavioral control. (5) Attitude toward behavior affect the intention to use. (6) Subjective norm not affect the intention to use. (7) Perceived behavioral control not affect to the intention to use.
Keywords: Behavior Belief, Normative Belief, Motivation to Comply, Control Belief, Attitude Toward Behavior, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control
Penulis: Cecia Rahmadanty, Masmira Kurniawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151553

Paket Lengkap Efek Persepsi Konsumen Perihal Sopan Santun Pengecer Online Terhadap Loyalitas Dengan Karakteristik Individual Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

ABSTRACT: The objectives of this study are to examine the impact of consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers (CPEOR) on loyalty and to understand the moderating influence of individual characteristics in consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers on loyalty. The CPEOR scale includes security, privacy, non-deception and fulfillment/reliability while the individual characteristics comprise vertical individualism characteristcs and horizontal individualism characteristics. The sample was collected by accidental sampling technic with the total of 200 respondents whom experiencing shopping online within the last three months. The research methods that this study uses are the simple linear regression which examines the impact of consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers on loyalty and moderated regression analysis (MRA) which examines the moderating influence of individual characteristics in consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers on loyalty. Also, this study has got two hypotheses and the result indicates that consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers significantly affects loyalty. Study also found that individual characteristics does moderating consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers on loyalty.
Keywords: CPEOR, loyalty, individual characteristics, vertical individualism, horizontal individualism
Penulis: Dita Wahyunita, Sri Wahyuni Astuti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151554

Paket Lengkap Mediasi Safety Knowledge Dan Safety Motivation Pada Efek Safety Management Practices Terhadap Safety Performance Karyawan Bab Produksi Pt.Petrokimia Gresik

ABSTRACT: Safety management practices not only improve working conditions but also positively influence employees’ attitudes and behaviours with regard to safety, thereby reducing accidents in workplace. This study measured employees’ perceptions on six safety management practices and self-reported safety knowledge, safety motivation, safety compliance and safety participation.The study conducting a survey using questionnaire among 69 pelaksana Produksi Pabrik III PT. Petrokimia Gresik. The reliability and validity of all the indicators were found acceptable. Data are analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS version 2.0.The result is safety management practices have direct and significant influence to safety performance, safety management practices have indirect and significant influence to safety performance through safety knowledge, and safety management practices have indirect influence to safety performance through safety motivation.
Keywords: Safety management practices, safety knowledge, safety motivation, safety compliance, safety participation
Penulis: Novi Aditya Rosalita, Dwi Ratmawati, Tri Siwi Agustina
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151555

Paket Lengkap Analisis Disparitas Pendapatan Antar Kabupaten/Kota Di Jawa Timur Tahun 2008-2013

ABSTRACT: This goals  is finding out the level of income disparity among districts / cities in East Java, the determine the influence of the General Allocation Fund, Gross Domestic Product and educated workforce to income disparities among districts / cities in East Java and proving the hypothesis kuznets in EAST java.The analysis technique used is Entropy Theil, multiple linear regression by the method of Random Effects Model (REM) and demam isu analysis of the economic growth in East Java income disparity as proof Kuznets hypothesis. Research study shows that determinant coefficient (R2) is (0,974), means thet (97,4%), which is income disparities variabel influenced by independent variabel General Allocation Fund (DAU) (X1), Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) (X2) and Educated Workforcelabour (TKTDD) (X3). The results showed the average income disparity districts / cities in East Java is high.
KEYWORDS: Disparities in income, entropy index theil, General Allocation Fund, GDP, multiple linear regression, panel data
Penulis: Lailatul Khusna
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151556

Paket Lengkap Analisis Terhadap Determinan Spread Suku Bunga Bank Umum Di Indonesia Era 2009-2013

ABSTRACT: This study was aimed to know the effect of dependent variable, spread of public bank rate in Indonesia period 2009-2013.Multiple linear regressions with model of least quadrat estimation were used as analysis tool. In the model equation, spread rate of interest (interest rates on loans and interest rates on savings) was a dependent variable, and then the independent variable was BI rate, ROA, NPL, and SIBOR.The result of this current study showed that BI rate and ROA had a negative effect and significant on spread rate of interest, whereas NPL and SIBOR had a positive effect and significant on spread rate of interest. Simultaneously, BI rate, ROA, NPL, SIBOR influence the spread rate of interest. Meanwhile, trial on classic assumption showed that all regressions had pulled through from classic assumption (autocorrelation, heterocedasticity, multicollinearity). Coefficient determination (R2) of regression interest rate spread was 0,708181 or 70.82%. it showed that independent variable consist of BI rate, ROA, NPL, and SIBOR clarified the changing of dependent variable interest rate spread as big as 70.82%, whereas the remaining 0.29% was clarified by other variable that is not included in estimation model.
KEYWORDS: BI rate, Return on Asset, Non Performing Loan, Singapore interbank offering rate
Penulis: Linda Ratna Sari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151557

Paket Lengkap Analisa Risiko Dan Laba Investasi Saham Kerikil Bara Di Bursa Pengaruh Indonesia (Tahun 2010-2014)

ABSTRACT: This research was motivated by the increasing value of the production and consumption of coal from year to year, but is not offset by an increase in new investment in this sector. Each selection of investment decisions certainly linked to the degree of risk and benefit ratio, in order to know how much future investment results that will be obtained with the level of risk to a minimum. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of risk and benefit ratio of shares in a coal mining company listed on the Stock Exchange during the study period 2010-2014. Calculation of the level of risk in this study was measured by VaR (Value at Risk) and the profit rate is measured with RAROC (Risk Adjusted Return on Capital). The results of this study indicate that the coal mining stocks are a potential value loss (high risk low return). The highest VaR value during the study period experienced by PKPK of 0.64300 or 64.30% in 2010. The market value of the highest RAROC during the observation period by ITMG in 2010 amounted to 0.4304 or 43%.
KEYWORDS: Risk, Gain, VaR (Value at Risk), RAROC (Risk Adjusted Return on Capital), Shares, Indonesia Stock Exchange
Penulis: Siti Nur Zahroh
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151558

Paket Lengkap Validating And Expanding The Hawthorne Studies: Evidence From Indonesian Public Employees

ABSTRACT: Since Hawthorne study deconstructed Taylor’s time and motion studies, scholars of organization studies have shifted their attentions to human relations in the workplaces. The major implication is that employees’ relationship with supervisors as well as their peers, and their participation in decision-making process determine productivity. Although the Hawthorne experiments were conducted in the private sector, scholars of public administration believe that the implication from the experiment can be applied to the public sector as well. However, current discussion on the public-private distinction leads to an important research question: can lessons from the Hawthorne study apply to public organizations? The purpose of this study is to validate and expand the original Hawthorne studies and Jung and Lee (forthcoming) conducted in the public organizations by analyzing a large sample of Indonesian public officials. Findings suggest that physical conditions have no or weak impacts on self-assessed and client-evaluated work performance while human relations show positive effects. For the supervisor-assessed performance, participation and physical conditions are the significant predictors. This study gives a unique opportunity since this study investigates the Hawthorne effects in the Asian context for the first time.
KEYWORDS: hawthorne studies, human relations, participation, work environment, work requirement, subjective work performance, public-private distinction
Penulis: I Gede Agus Ariutama
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151559

Paket Lengkap Efek Infrastruktur Dan Keterkaitan Spasial Terhadap Konvergensi Beta Di Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Motivated inter-regional disparities condition that occurs persistently, this thesis examines the Indonesian economy in the long run, whether it will tend to converge or diverge. This convergence is based on the Solow Neoclassical growth theory which assumes the existence of diminishing returns to capital so that when the developed countries reach steady state conditions, developing countries will continuous growth up to ‘catch-up‘ with developed countries. This thesis also focuses on the influence of spatial dependency and infrastructure since regional economics perspective, each region can not be treated as a stand-alone unit. Economical and political situation of a region will influence policy in that region which will also have an impact to the neighboring regions. The estimation results of  spatial cross-regressive model using fixed effect method consistently confirmed that the Indonesian economy in the long term will likely converge with a speed of 8.08 percent per year. Other finding is, road infrastructure has a positive effect on economic growth and investment  and road infrastructure are spatially showed a positive effect on economic growth. In other words, the investment and the infrastructure of a region not only affect the economic growth of that region but also to the economy of the contiguous region.
KEYWORDS: convergence, infrastructure, spatial dependency
Penulis: Anisa Fahmi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151560

Paket Lengkap Taktik Percepatan Pencapaian Sasaran Millenium Developmet Goals (Mdgs) Di Kota Malang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is a map of the readiness of Malang in achieving the MDGs by 2015 and the right strategy based on SWOT analysis to accelerate the achievement of the sasaran MDGs.Dari can be concluded that the MDG targets by 8 item in Malang in 2015 still can not be reached. The number of poor people was 43,400 people, the open unemployment of 5.19% (22.185%). The adult literacy rate of 4.57% or 34 717 persons. Percentage of the population 10 years and over who do not have a diploma of 21.21%, finished primary school / MI amounted to 23.77% and 18.17% of anabawang high school graduation. In the field of gender equality, the contribution of women in politics is still very low. In the health field there are still 245 the number of infant deaths and 10 cases of maternal mortality. People with HIV and March 2013 reached 2,134 and AIDS as many as 341 people with high risk factors through needle drugs and high risk in men (65%) at the age of 25-49 years. The field of environmental sustainability in some respects much decreased as the quality of drinking water, air quality and temperature.
KEYWORDS: Millennium Development Goals, Malang. Strategy
Penulis: Ida Nuraini, Dwi Susilowati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151561

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Jadwal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Community Development) Pt. Sumbawa Timur Mining (Stm) Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial–Ekonomi Masyarakat

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of community empowerment programs conducted by PT. STM to the social and economic life of society, both directly and indirectly. The method used is a qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques using observation method, the method of documentation, interview and questionnaire. Technical analysis of the data used in the method of qualitative research is data reduction, data display and conclusion; Technical analysis of the data that is used mainly on quantitative methods are counting frequency. The results showed that in terms of direct benefits, the vast majority of corporate social responsibility is embodied in the form of community empowerment kegiatan very useful. However, if the terms of the indirect benefits of community empowerment programs implemented by the company is still less perceived benefits. This can be understood as the activities carried out by PT. East Sumbawa Mining (STM) are still at the exploratory stage and given the share of allocation of funds spent on community empowerment kegiatan is still relatively small compared to the total allocation of development funds in the District of Hu'u. Social impact is more felt by the people than the economic impact. It is due to that ComDev in economics is relatively small when compared to the social sector, both in terms of budget as well as routine and sustainability programs.
KEYWORDS: Empowering the community, social and economic impact, PT.STM
Penulis: Ramadhoan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151562

Paket Lengkap Suatu Pendekatan Moneter Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pada Perekonomian Terbuka Kecil Dengan Kontrol Modal: Studi Kasus Indonesia 2010.1-2014.12

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to formulate the monetary model of the economic growth in a small open economy (small open economy) with a free exchange rate system (flexible exchange rate system) and capital mobility is not perfect (imperfect capital mobility), as well as the factors that influence economic growth, exchange rates and interest rates with monetary approach (mathematically and empirically).This study uses a structural analysis approach to vector autoregresion with monthly data Indonesia in 2010-2014. The empirical results reveal that changes in the money supply is a significant negative effect on economic growth 0.1008 Indonesia. Moreover, economic growth is affected by the magnitude of the previous period of economic growth significantly by 0.391825, where the magnitude of the effect is determined by the strength of the exchange rate in response to changes in interest rates Indonesia, the greater the exchange rate response to changes in interest rates, the weakening influence of the period of economic growth prior to economic growth. For a small open economy (small open economy) with a free exchange rate system (flexible exchange rate system), then the value of the rupiah per dollar exchange rate is influenced significantly by the amount of money in circulation (0.063318), the exchange rate value of the last period (0.746), and the interest rate the previous period (0.3424), the interest rate two previous periods (-0.305848).
For situations of capital mobility is not perfect, then the variable interest rate is treated as endogenous variables, the empirical results show that the level of BI rate significantly influenced only by the BI rate the previous month (1.4526) and the interest rate of the previous two months (0.524)
KEYWORDS: : Economic Growth, Small open economy, Flexible exchange Rate, imperfect capital mobility
Penulis: Aris Soelistyo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151563

Paket Lengkap Full-Fledged Inflation Targeting Framework Dan Persistensi Inflasi

ABSTRACT: Setting the inflation rate may look simple but certainly not easy. This can be evidenced by frequent melencengnya inflation sasaran has been set by Bank Indonesia. To overcome this, the 2004 Law No. 3 Article 7 were excluded, thus changing the policy framework of inflation targeting lite be a full-fledged inflation targeting. This means that Bank Indonesia will focus on regulating the rate of inflation only. The purpose of this study to determine whether the rate of inflation to be more easily controlled in the period of full-fledged inflation targeting. The method used is the autoregressive model estimation. The results showed that the application of full-fledged inflation targeting has not had a positive impact in regulating the rate of inflation. In the period 2005-2015, was inflation is still very difficult to control or tend to be persistent. Interestingly, this was due to the strong influence of the global economy on the Indonesian econom
KEYWORDS: full-fledged inflation targeting, inflation persistence
Penulis: Rachman Hakim
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151564

Paket Lengkap Dana Pensiun Pendorong Kesejahteraan Pekerja Dan Penjaga Eksistensi Umkm Dalam Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi Asia

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the importance of pension fund which is a non-banking financial institution that has Perana in promoting economic growth and the welfare of workers in the retirement age and its benefits to eksistensu SMEs in the face of the Asean Economic Community (AEC). The purpose of this study to see the importance of the pension fund for workers during the later retirement age and the need for pension funds to the survival of SMEs in the face of the Asean Economic Community (AEC). The results explain that the role of pension funds are expected not just those given priority to the selesai sasaran is to meet the needs of the current workforce entry age pension which is more widely used in the activities of a consumptive but expected the pension fund can be used not only by the participant retires but family members as well can be used for activities - activities such as setting up operations without having to wait for the parties concerned entered the retirement age. So with demikan welfare pension fund participants and families will be more prosperous and productive. It is then hoped all companies or small-scale industry should have a medium or large and obliging each kegiatan tenagakerjanya have pension funds to avoid terjadniya mobilization of human resources to a foreign company at the time of entering the MEA 2015. With the increased prosperity that it offered by domestic perusaaahn one of them by giving progam pensions to workers expected the existence and well-being of the workforce will increase.
KEYWORDS: MEA, SMEs, the Pension Fund
Penulis: Lokot Zein Nasution, Muhammad Khoirul Fuddin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151565

Paket Lengkap Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Kesepakatan Organisasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Antara (Intervening Variable)

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of indirect picture Work Life Quality of the Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction as an intermediate variable of data collection techniques using the method of observation, documentation methods and questionnaires. Do pre-test to test the quality of data that includes test instrument consisted of test validity and reliability testing, as well as the classic assumption test which is done only data normality test. Data analysis techniques include univariate analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that there is a direct influence negatively the quality of work life (QWL) on the performance of employees, there is a direct effect of the positive quality of work life (QWL) terhadp organizational commitment and job satisfaction, there is an indirect effect the quality of work life on employee performance through organizational commitment and satisfaction working as an intermediate variable.
KEYWORDS: Quality of work life (QWL), organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employee performance
Penulis: Ramadhoan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151566

Paket Lengkap Analisis Potensi Penerimaan Retribusi Pasar Sebagai Salah Satu Sumber Pendapatan Orisinil Kawasan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara

ABSTRACT: Market  retribution market is one of sources of local revenue in Hulu Sungai Utara. The purpose of this study is to measure the potential revenue, market in Hulu Sungai Utara, which results will be used as a basic reference potential measure the effectiveness of revenue, market, in order to assess the results of the performance of market fee collection. This type of research is research diskiptif, while the data analysis method in use is the qualitative method, ie with a portrait, explain, and interpret the date obtained and analyzed to obtain conclusions.
Contribution revenue, market on revenue is relatively small with only contributes a percentage rate 5%, from the year 2009 until the year 2012 revenue, always increasing but retribution market acceptance of is not comparable to the total revenues of local revenue Hulu Sungai Utara. Development of retribution market has increased every year, but in 2012 the increase in 2011 the difference is slight. Revenue, market the Department of Revenue in Hulu Sungai Utara against the sasaran revenue, the market has not reached that yet effective, this is due to the realization of revenue, the market does not meet the expected targets, while potential market acceptance levy of 11 kinds of receipts in Hulu Sungai Utara Rp 1.947.378.000. The number is the whole of the potential is there, but can be developed by adding new facilities.
KEYWORDS: Market Retribution, Regional Potential, Local Revenue
Penulis: Ahsani Fauzan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151567

Paket Lengkap Effect Of Bi Rate, Inflation, Exchange, And The Dow Jones Against Composite Stock Price Index (Cspi Case Study In 2009-2014)

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the independent variables are indicated by the BI Rate, the rate of inflation, exchange rate and the Dow Jones Against Composite Stock Price Index. The analysis tool used is multiple linear regression using time series data is 2009-2014. In the model equations, Composite Stock Price Index is the dependent variable and the BI Rate, the rate of inflation, exchange rates as well as Dow Jones is the independent variable. Results of regression is that the variable BI Rate (X1) a significant negative effect on the Composite Stock Price Index, inflation (X2) significant negative effect on the Composite Stock Price Index, the exchange rate (X3) significant negative effect on Stock Price Index and Index Dow Jones (X3) positive and significant impact on the Composite Stock Price Index. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.970445, or 97%. This indicates that the BI Rate (X1), the rate of inflation (X2), the exchange rate (X3) and Dow Jones (X4) in explaining the dependent variable or dependent Composite Stock Price Index amounted to 97%, while the remaining 3% is explained by other variables outside the model that implicitly reflected in confounding variables.  Suggestions can meet of the results of this study are advised to look at the effect of other macroeconomic variables in detail which can affect and use other variables outside the monetary variables like social and political situation of a country. And also advised to conduct research using other approaches.
KEYWORDS: Composite Stock Price Index, BI Rate, Inflation, Exchange, Dow Jones
Penulis: Tuti Purwaningsih
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151568

Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Yang Besar Lengan Berkuasa Terhadap Kemiskinan Di Kabupaten Sampang, Madura

ABSTRACT: Beggary constitute multidimensi's phenomenon, defined and is measured deep a lot of trick. In most cases, beggary was measured by economic welfare terms, as propertied as and consumption. Someone is said hole in the wall if it lies under minimum well-being zoom given already agree. Usufruct analyze can be known that t ingkat is accepted income beggary at Lacquer Regency experiences one decrease of year go to year. Of research result is known on 10 poverty the last year at Regency Lacquer experiences sizable decrease. At year 2004 total one 333.984 person, indigent population at year 2013 as 252.430 person. It figures to happen repair at Regency Lacquer in term tacling perkara beggary. Available influence among population, Economic growth and SMA'S Grad Amount onto to beggary at Lacquer Regency. Proportionate islandic growth straight to beggary, its mean the greater its resident growth therefore the greater too total indigent society at Regency Lacquer. Meanwhile economic growth and SMA'S grad Population onto proportionate reverse with poverty. The greater economic growth runaway speed and SMA'S grad amount onto therefore potentially reduces to foot up society hole in the wall at Lacquer Regency.
KEYWORDS: Beggary constitute multidimensi's phenomenon, defined and is measured deep a lot of trick. In most cases, beggary was measured by economic welfare terms, as propertied as and consumption. Someone is said hole in the wall if it lies under minimum well-being
Penulis: Jufriadi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151569

Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Penentu Keuntungan Pada Bank Umum Nasional Terbesar Di Indonesia

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji faktor-faktor yangmenentukan profitabilitas bank dari bank-bank komersial terbesar nasionaldi Indonesia untuk kala 2010-2014. Berdasarkan kriteria yangditentukan, bank-bank yang dipilih sebagai sampel yaitu Bank CentralAsia, Bank Negara Indonesia dan Bank Mandiri. Variabel terikat dalampenelitian ini yaitu laba. Variabel bebas terdiri dari risiko likuiditas,risiko kredit dan efisiensi. Alat analisis yang dipakai yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa risikolikuiditas besar lengan berkuasa signifikan dan nyata terhadap laba. Sementara itu,risiko kredit dan efisiensi besar lengan berkuasa signifikan dan negatif padakeuntungan. Secara bersamaan, risiko likuiditas, risiko kredit dan efisiensimemiliki imbas yang signifikan terhadap laba.
Kata kunci: Efisiensi, Resiko Kredit, Resiko Likuiditas, ROA
Penulis: Indra Satria
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151570

Paket Lengkap Imbas Faktor-Faktor Internal Terhadap Kecenderungan Kecurangan Akuntansi Pada Pt. Pegadaian Persero Surakarta

Abstract: This study aims to determine the factors that influence the tendency of accounting fraud and determine what factors most influence on the tendency of the accounting fraud at PT. Pegadaian. The research instrument in this study was a questionnaire on the scatterplot directly to managers, managers and financial staff Pegadaian Area Surakarta. The data analysis technique used is the test data quality, classic assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis. Results of the dependent variable in this case the tendency of accounting fraud amounting to 31.7% by independent variable. This can be seen from the value of Adjusted R Square of 0.317. While 68.3% of dependent variable influenced by other variables outside the model study.
Keywords: Accounting Fraud Trends, Pawnshop, Surakarta
Penulis: Lilik Lia Arista
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151571

Paket Lengkap Analisis Tata Kelola Sistem Keuangan Di Indonesia: Sebuah Perspektif Historis

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the governance of the financial system in Indone-sia. This study uses descriptive analysis by reviewing the literature and analysis of secondary data obtained from the Ministry of Finance, Bank In-donesia (BI), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). The results of the analysis of this study showed that based on historical experience, to mini-mize inter-nal and external obstacles have to do with governance through improved in-vestment and productive credit. This governance is done by way of coordina-tion between the actors of the financial system, the community, financiers, and government. This model is expected to be a proliferation of governance oriented to minimize the risk of the financial system in the future.
Keywords: Economic Growth, Financial System History, Governance Financial System, Risk Financial System
Penulis: Lokot Zein Nasution
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151572

Paket Lengkap Hubungan Administrasi Keuntungan Pada Ketika Initial Public Offerng (Ipo) Diengan Kinerja Saham Perusahaan Sehabis Ipo

Abstract: This study was conducted to describe the earnings management practices of the company that did an IPO (Initial Public Offering) in Indonesia, and correlate earning management practices that did an IPO and stock performance after IPO. This study uses secondary data of financial statements that did an IPO, and stock price after IPO. Based on the criteria specified there are 54 companies that meet the criteria. Methods of data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis and correlation test to find the relationship earnings management practices prior to IPO stock per-formance after IPO. Results showed that 54 firms that did an IPO in 2010-2013, all of them have management practices. 72% decrease in profits and 28% of companies with profit increase. Based on the correlation test, the practice of earnings management before IPO negatively correlated to stocks performance after IPO.
Keywords: Earning Management, IPO (Initial Public Offering), Stocks Performance
Penulis: Endang Dwi Wahyuni
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151573

Paket Lengkap Perbandingan Imbas Interbank Ofered Rate Terhadap Indeks Syariah Di Indonesia Dan Malaysia

Abstract: This study aimed to determine the correlation of interbank offered rate against Islamic stock index associated with behavioral perspective of inves-tors in the stock market of sharia in each country and to examine whether there is a significant difference between the index of sharia that are in Indo-nesia and Malaysia. This study uses an analytical tool that is by simple line-ar regression statistical test to measure the level of effect between variables partially, with a focus on the two countries, Indonesia and Malaysia in the period 2010-2012. Research outcome of the average monthly on secondary data between period 2010-2012, reveals that in Indonesia, independent vari-able affected significantly to Shariah index JII ( Jakarta Islamic Index ) , but there is a difference, compared with Malaysia that the interbank offered rate did not significantly affect KLSI (Kuala Lumpur Sharia Index).
Keywords: Interbank Offered Rate, JII dan KLSI
Penulis: Tatang Anantatur
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151574

Paket Lengkap Penguatan Pendanaan Apbd Berbasis Instrumen Fiskal Syariah

Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of fiscal policy islam. The method used in this study is the case study method. Points Regional Government research Bekasi, Mechanical Sampling by interviewing respondents, obser-vation by observation by following some musrenbang socialization and discussion group forums in section / unit related work, the deepening of the documents related to local government financial policy. The results of this study indicate Kota Bekasi local government finance in systems and procedures, financial pattern has been going well, but the year 2012 -2014 budget funds can only cover approximately 30-50% of development proposals are inventoried in the deliberations development plan (musren-bang), so there many development proposals that can not be funded by the budget or in other words are still around 70-50% which can not be imple-mented.
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Islam, Local Government
Penulis: Any Setianingrum
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151575

Paket Lengkap Analisis Tingkat Kejenuhan Bank Islam Di Indonesia

Abstract: The research conducted to find out the effect of the number of Islamic bank-ing offices, finance to deposit ratio (FDR), and financing growth to the Is-lamic bank saturation level in Indonesia. The research used panel data analysis with fixed effect model (FEM) as its best estimation model. The re-sult of this research shows that number of Islamic banking offices, Financing Direct Ratio (FDR), and financing growth have a significant effect to the Is-lamic banking saturation simultaneously. Partially, only number of offices has a significant effect, but FDR and financing growth are not significant.
Keywords: FDR, Financing Growth , Islamic Bank Saturation, And The Number Of Islamic Banking Offices.
Penulis: Meri Indri Hapsari
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151576

Paket Lengkap Analisis Konsistensi Perencanaan Dan Penganggaran Daerah

Abstract: aims to: (1) to analyze the level of consistency of planning and budgeting document which occurred in the Lembata district Year 2012-2015; (2) look at the factors that cause inconsistencies; and (3) to formu-late policy priorities. To answer the purpose, this study used a descriptive evaluative methods, which are categorized as qualitative stream. The in-formants include the executive, legislative, and NGOs. Based on an anal-ysis tool Matrix Consolidated Planning and Budgeting, Analysis of Root Cause Analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the results showed that the documents of the most inconsistent is RPJMD-RKPD, while programs that have a risk of inconsistency so high is infrastructure development.
Keywords: Budgeting , Inconsistency, Planning
Penulis: Ferdinandus Diri Burin
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151577

Paket Lengkap Respon Investor Terhadap Pergantian Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Era 20 Mei 2013

ABSTRACT: The research aims to determine the response of stock investors to the changing of  Republic Indonesia’s Finance Minister on 20th May 2013. Data used the company’s stock index in LQ45 2013. Technique of collecting data is using documentarymethods. Data analysis is using event study, and statistics. The result shows thatchanging of Finance Minister Period 20th May 2013 does not have a significantimpact on return and abnormal return to be earned by investors before, during, andafter changing.
Keywords: Stock Investors, Investor Response, Stock, Turnover Finance Minister, Index LQ45, Return, and Abnormal Return, Event Study
Penulis: Izzat Zakia Ridwan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151578

Paket Lengkap Karakteristik Individu Dan Perilakukewirausahaan Pengusaha Produk Unggulan Perjuangan Kecil Dan Menengah Kabupaten Lumajang

ABSTRACT: The research aims to determine the characteristics of the individual entrepreneur's flagship product in small and medium enterprises Lumajang. Analysis tools used isthe range of scale and cross tabulation. The result indicated that entrepreneur’scharacteristic were high responsible, seeking an opportunities, resistant to risks and uncertainties, confidence, creative and flexible, require quick feedback, highenergy level, motivation to excel, future-oriented, always learn from failure, and the ability to lead. The characteristics of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviors are still need to increase in order to compete with others.
Keywords: Individual Characteristics, Behavior, UKM
Penulis: Andri Bachtiar
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151579

Paket Lengkap Dampak Produk Yang Berwawasan Hijau Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan Merek Ades

ABSTRACT: The research purpose’s is to analyze the effect of green-minded products on purchase intention. This research is survey. The research used a questionnaire forcollecting data. The result indicated that green-minded product positivelyinfluencing purchase intention.
Keywords: Green-minded Product, Purchase Interest, and ADES
Penulis: Devi Eprilia Ristanti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151580

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Paket Lengkap Studi Kelayakan Rencana Pendirian Rumah Pemondokan (Kost) Kelas Menengah Di Tegalgondo Malang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to determine lodging house feasibility in Malang. Feasibility study includes marketing aspects, technical, economic and social,management, legal, environmental, and financial aspects. Analysis tools used areNet Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP), Method of Average Rate of Return(ARR), Method Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Profitability Index (PI). The results show that ARR is 24% (more than 17% minimum requirement), PP is 6.2 year (less than 15 year proposed), NPV is 485.041 (more than 0), IRR is 17.013% (more than 17% ARR), and PI is 1.0007287 (more than > 1). All the feasibility requirement are eligible. It means that the lodging house project is feasible.
Keywords: Business Feasibility Research, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, Average Rate of Return, Profitability Index
Penulis: M. Abdimas Haidar Rahbany
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151581

Paket Lengkap Keputusan Sumber Pembelanjaan Pada Perjuangan Mikro Kecil Menengah (Umkm) Swalayan Di Desa Mulyoagung Kecamatan Dau Malang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the source of funds used in the microand small businesses in the village supermarket Mulyoagung District of DAU. Themethod used is the method of survey, data analysis is qualitative descriptiveanalysis based on primary and secondary data. Based on the results of a survey conducted by the researchers of the 10 self-service according to the class of micro enterprises in the village Mulyoagung DAU Malang, there is a 100% initial planning. the source of funds used for micro and small businesses in thesupermarket, the source of funds used approximately 75.5% use their own capitaldue, which was developed in the supermarket business is already quite big and costquite a lot. Supermarkets that require considerable cost using capital loans at the bank around 24.5% to run a business in this way could make more developed self.
Keywords: Source of Funds, Equity, Equity Loans, UMKM
Penulis: Fifi Rahmawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151582

Paket Lengkap Imbas Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Kewirausahaan Terhadap Intensi Kewirausahaan

ABSTRACT: The research purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of entrepreneurship course on entrepreneurial intention. A simple linear regression was use as a statistical tool. The research used 85 of college students as a respondent. The result shows that entrepreneurship course has a positive significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. The recomendation is educational institutions shold befacilitate entrepreneurship activities space in campus.
Keywords: Learning Entrepreneurship Courses, Entrepreneurship Intention
Penulis: Umi Choiriyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151583

Paket Lengkap Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal Pada Beberapa Saham Yang Masuk Pada Indeks Pefindo25 Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Pengaruh Indonesia

ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the stock that form the optimal portofolio and the proportion of funds invested and determine the rate of return and level of risk of the optimal portofolio of stocks that, is formed in the PEFINDO25 index listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange, in the study period at August 2011 to July 2013. The method of analysis used in this study is a single index model method and sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Based on the results of data analysis stocks that form the optimal portofolio in PEFINDO25 index in the period at August 2011 – July 2013, obtained three stocks included in the optimal portofolio members. The share are accompanied by the proportion of investment funds is BISI (BISI International Tbk) 48,4379%, GZCO (Gozco Plantations Tbk) 31,3017%, HRUM (Harum Energy Tbk) 20,2604%,. The stocks are result yield rate of return on a portofolio that will get investors at 0,151% and the portofolio risk level of 0,003%.
Keywords: PEFINDO25, Optimal Portofolio, Single Index Model, Return and Risk
Penulis: Chalimatuz Sa’diyah
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151584

Paket Lengkap Perbandingan Return And Risk Antara Saham-Saham Syariah Dan Non Syariah Yang Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

Abstract: The research was conducted on the basis of a range of common problems in capital markets activities in Indonesia, the increasing development of alternative investment and to invest, investors should be better at determining the investment option. It is taken into consideration is the investor return and risk. In principle, investors expect high returns with minimal risk. Establishment LQ 45 is a superior collection of 45 stocks to facilitate investors in choosing. Public interest in increasing sharia-based economy, then formed the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) to respond to the needs of information that meets the requirements of Shariah. It made an interesting study of comparison between stock returns and risk and non-Islamic sharia. Researchers use this type of survey research in the analysis. Using purposive sampling, researchers select stocks during the period of observation is always good listings on LQ 45 and JII. Each sample wascalculated return and risk to findout which one gives the stock return and risk greater.
Keywords: returns, risk, stock, sharia
Penulis: Zakia Yuliani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151585

Paket Lengkap Imbas Personal Selling, Display Product Dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Impulse Buying

ABSTRACT: This research aims to examine and analyze the effects of personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere simultaneously and partially towards consumerimpulse buying consumer hypermart departemen store Malang Town Square. Thesample size consisted of 100 respondents taken by accidental sampling. The datawas analyzed by using the multiple linear regressions. The results showed personal selling, product display, and store atmosphere has the effect ofsimultaneously and partially towards impulse buying department store consumer matahari departemen store Malang Town Square. Variables store atmospheredominant influence impulse buying in the consumer hypermart departemen store Malang Town Square.
Keywords: personal selling, display product, store atmosphere, impulse buying
Penulis: Didid Haris Bahtiyar Rizal
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151586

Paket Lengkap Imbas Dimensi Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Pada Kertanegara Guest House Malang

ABSTRACT: Intention this research is to test dimension of equity merk have an effect toenthusiasm buy at Guest House Kertanegara Malang and to test merk equityinfluence to enthusiasm buy at Guest House. Population in this research are guestusing service of Guest House Kertanegara, by using technique of conveniencepurposive sampling. Sample size 100 respondents. Technique analysis is linearregression analysis by using test of regression doubled linear. The result ofresearch show that linear regression analysis is positive relationshio between thebrand equity and enthusiasm., test t test and f test, indicating that merk equity have influence of significant to enthusiasm buy. Between awareness brand, merk association, perception of quality, dimension merk and loyality owning mostinfluence significan is awareness of brand, merk association, perception of quality of, and merk loyality.
Keyword: Awareness of brand, merk association, perception of[is quality of, and merk loyalitas, enthusiasm buy
Penulis: Ervan Ade Wardani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151587

Paket Lengkap Imbas Faktor-Faktor Mendasar Ke Uangan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Properti Dan Real Estate Yang Terdaftar Di Bei

ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to determine the effect of factors such as financialfundamentals Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Assets (ROA), Net ProfitMargin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio (CR) of thecompany and real property estate listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during theperiod 2008-2013. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sampleof five companies. Variables include the Earning Per Share (EPS), return on assets(ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio(CR) as the independent variable and stock price as dependent variables. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regressionanalysis. The results of this study indicate that the simultaneous regression test(Test F), shows that the Earning Per Share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), NetProfit Margin (NPM), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), and Current Ratio (CR) simultaneously influence the stock prices of five companies that were visited. Whilepartial regression test (t test) showed that the variable EPS, ROA, NPM and CRpartial effect, whereas the variable DER has no partial effect on stock prices.
Keyword: Stock prices, Earning Per Share (EPS),Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), andCurrent Ratio(CR)
Penulis: Firda Silviyatul Husnia
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151588

Paket Lengkap Influence Of Trust And Customer Satisfaction On Repurchase Intention At Online Shop In The Facebook

ABSTRACT: The purpose of study was to examine the influence of trust and customer satisfaction on repurchase intention. The sample in this study 100 respondents (Customer Online Shop). The sampling method was purposive sampling method frompopulations of customer Online Shop in the Facebook. The analysis method was path analysis. The results of path analysis show that trust and consumer satisfactioninfluence positive and significant effect on repurchase intention online shop in the Facebook. The trust effect as mediation between consumer satisfaction andrepurchase intention.
Keywords: Trust,Consumer Satisfaction, Repurchase intention, Online Shop
Penulis: Viajeng Purnama Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151589

Paket Lengkap Dampak Store Atmosphere Terhadap Harapan Untuk Beli Kembali Di Taman Indie Resto Kota Malang

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to examine the effect of store atmosphere against the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto and to examine indicators of variable store atmosphere (Exterior, General Interior, Store Layout and Interior Display) the dominant influence on the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto TownMalang. This study uses primary data collected from questionnaires, the purchaser(buyer) at Taman Indie Resto. The sampling technique in this research use accidental sampling, as many as 130 people and using binomial logistic regressionanalysis. Based on data analysis binomial regression which includes partial test, test simultaneously and the suitability of the model in this study are: test based on partial indicators that affect significantly partially on the re-purchases intention atTaman Indie Resto, with indicators exterior, general interior, store layout andinterior display significantly influence the re-purchases intention at Taman IndieResto. Concurrent test shows that jointly indicators exterior, general interior, store layout and interior displays significantly influence the re-purchases intention at Taman Indie Resto. Indicators of the most dominant influence on the re-purchases intention is the general interior. Test the feasibility of the model shows that the -2log likelihood with the independent variables indicate that the addition of independent variables in the regression model is better than the absence ofindependent variables so that the model used is feasible.
Keyword: store atmosphere, re-purchases intention, binomial regression
Penulis: Ratna Kurniawati
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151590

Paket Lengkap Analisis Administrasi Keuntungan Dan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Pengakuisisi Sebelum Dan Setelah Akuisisi

ABSTRACT: This study discuss about earnings management and financial performance of theacquirer before and after acquisition. The purpose of research was to obtainempirical evidence of how earning management have done by acquirer companiesbefore the implementation of acquisition. In addition it aims to determine thechanges in the acquirer’s financial performance before and after the acquisition. This research is a comparative study which to compare the financial performance the acquirer before and after the company make acquisition. Analysis of financialperformance uses financial rations, including profitability, activity, andsolvability. Analysis of earnings management using the theory of Jones modified. Earnings management by the acquirer is a proxy for discretionary accruals (DA).The company performance was measured by using financing rations (a net profit margin, return on assets, total assets turnover, and debt to equity ratio). The resultof analysis showed that there are two companies which have positive discretionary accrual value and the other three companies which have negative discretionary accrual value. Moreover financial performance of the acquirer company is experiencing the different more toward to reduction of financial performance. Theconclusion was that earning management of two acquirer companies (ANTM andUNTR) have done by increasing the profit (income increasing accruals) before doing the acquisition. While, the other three companies (ENRG, RAJA, and SMGR)have done earning management by decreasing the profit (income decreasing accruals) before doing the acquisition. Furthermore, financial performance that measure with NPM and DER increased after acquisition, while ROA and TATO decreased after acquisition.
Keyword: Earning Management, Acquisition, Financial Performance
Penulis: Tyasshela Sani Wibowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151591