Sunday, August 11, 2019

Paket Lengkap Analisis Reaksi Pasar Atas Pengumuman Cum Dividen (Studi Pada Saham Yang Terdaftar Di Jakarta Islamic Index Tahun 2012-2013)

Abstract: Cash dividends is one of the corporate action that contains information related to the company's performance and signal to investors about the company's prospects. This internal information of the company will affect the investment decisions of investors. The reaction of investors in the market will lead to changes in demand and supply of common stocks around the cum-dividend date. This study aims to determine the reaction of the Islamic capital market as indicated by the change in gila return around the cum-dividend date.
This study uses event study approach, carried out on 30 issuers listed on the JII during 2012-2013 who pay cash dividends. The period of observation in this study was for 29 days, starting 14 days before the event date to 14 days after the event date. This study uses one-sample test in hypothesis testing.
The results based on the statistical test showed significant variables caar AAR and on some days around cum dividedn date. These results indicate that there is a market reaction around cum dividend.
Keywords: event study, cum dividen, Jakarta Islamic Index, gila return
Penulis: Mohammad Mulfi Na'im, Leo Herlambang
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd151398

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