Thursday, April 30, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Komunikasi Organisasi Dan Kesepakatan Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Divisi Umum & Sdm Dan Akuntansi & Keuangan Pt. Pg Candi Gres Sidoarjo)

Abstract: PT.PG CandiBarumerupakangabungandari PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang agro industri. Perusahaan inimempunyaivisiuntukmenjadiperusahaanterbaikdalambidang agro industri, siapmenghadapitantangandanungguldalamkompetisi global, makadiperlukankeahliandankemampuan. Dimanadalamhalinidiperlukanadanyakomunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasi yang ada di PT.PG CandiBaru Sidoarjo.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengujidanmenganalisispengaruhkomunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasiterhadapkinerjakaryawan. SampeldaripenelitianiniadalahkaryawandivisiUmum& SDM danAkuntansi&Keuangan PT.PG CandiBaruSidoarjoyang berjumlah 46 orang. Teknikanalisis data yang digunakanadalahanalisisregresi linier bergandadenganbantuan software SPSS 18.Hasilpenelitianmenjelaskanbahwakomunikasiorganisasi berpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadapkinerjakaryawan. Komitmenorganisasiberpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadapkinerjakaryawan. Komunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasiberpengaruhsecarasimultanterhadapkinerjakaryawan.
Kata kunci: KomunikasiOrganisasi, KomitmenOrganisasi, KinerjaKaryawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171022

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik Terhadap Stres Kerja Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja(Studi Pada Kantor Bersama Samsat Mojokerto Kota)

Abstrak: Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap(disingkatSamsat), atau dalam Bahasa InggrisOne Roof System, ialah suatu sistem manajemen yang dibuat untuk memperlancar dan mempercepat pelayanan kepentingan masyarakat yang kegiatannya diselenggarakan dalam satu gedung. Contoh dari samsat ialah dalam pengurusan dokumen kendaraan bermotor.Samsat merupakan suatu sistem kerjasama secara terpadu antara Polri, Dinas Pendapatan Provinsi, dan PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) dalam pelayanan untuk menerbitkan STNKdan Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor .
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan dampak antara lingkungan kerja fisik, lingkungan kerja non fisik terhadap stres kerja dan kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini ialah jenis penelitian kausal yang memakai pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakanpurposive samplingdengan jumlah populasi 35 dansampel yaitu 32responden pada anggota satlantasyang bertugas di Kantor Bersama Samsat Mojokerto Kota. Analisis statistik yang dipakai ialah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan derma software smartPLS.
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa lingkungan kerja fisik kuat negatif terhadap stres kerja.Lingkungan kerja non fisik kuat negatif terhadap stres kerja. Lingkungan kerja fisik kuat aktual terhadap kinerja. Lingkungan kerja non fisik kuat aktual terhadap kinerja. Stres kerja kuat negatif terhadap kinerja.
Kata kunci: Lingkungan Kerja Fisik, Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik, Stres Kerja,Kinerja Karyawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171023

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Store Atmosphere Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian(Studi Pada Konsumen Excelso Jalan Sulawesi No 71 Surabaya)

Abstract: Persaingan bisnis bar yang semakin ketat menuntut para pelaku bisnis untuk memaksimalkan kinerjanya melalui taktik yang sempurna dalam menampilkan produk atau jasa yang terbaik untuk sanggup memenuhi selera konsumen yang selalu berkembang dan berubah-ubah. Faktor–faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis bar antara lain store atmosphere dan harga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menguji adakah efek store atmosphere dan harga terhadap keputusan.
Penelitian ini memakai sampel 110 responden, mereka yaitu konsumen Excelso Jalan Sulawesi No. 71 Surabaya yang berusia minimal 17 tahun dan sudah pernah mengunjungi Excelso jalan Sulawesi No 71 Surabaya minimal 1 kali. Skala pengukuran dalam penelitian ini memakai skala Likert. Kemudian dianlisis memakai teknik Regresi linier berganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek signifikan antara store atmosphere dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian.
Kata Kunci: Store Atmosphere, harga dan Keputusan Pembelian
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171024

Monday, April 27, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Effect Of Maybelline Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram) On Consumer Purchase Decision (Case Study: Sam Ratulangi University Students)

Abstract: Social media is trending. With the number of users rising each day, it becomes a better platform for business to communicate with their consumers. Social media provide business promotes their products or services. In social media consumers are actively talking about their experience and opinions about the products they have tried or even heard about it. This activity may affect the consumer to purchasing. This research aims to explain how the influence of Maybelline social media marketing (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) on consumer purchase decision. Quantitative research method used for the purpose of this research. The sample size of this research is 100 Sam Ratulangi University students who are Maybelline consumers and already see Maybelline social media marketing. Purposive sampling was used by collecting data through online questionnaire. The research finds that Maybelline social media marketing affect on five stages of purchasing decision process. Maybelline marketing on YouTube and Instagram have positive effect on purchase decision. Otherwise, Maybelline marketing on Facebook has negative effect on purchase decision. Therefore, Maybelline needs to keep up their social media marketing.
Keywords: social media marketing, maybelline, consumer purchase decision
Penulis: Pijoh Meliani Caecilia, Paulus Kindangen, Ferdinand Tumewu
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171025

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Paket Lengkap Evaluating Product Attributes Of Quicksilver’S Apparel Using Importance And Performance Analysis

Abstract: Product attributes is the way to differentiating in fashion industry and can give impact to customer purchase decision. The objectives of this research are to identify the importance of Quicksilver’s apparel attributes and to identify the performance of Quicksilver’s apparel attributes based on the variables such as merk name, style, retail store, and price. This research use quantitative approach and uses primary data obtained through questionnaires and uses importance and Performance Analysis. 100 respondents are the sample size of this research. The result of this study shows that merk name and price are placed in quadrant I (high important but low performance), retail store in quadrant III (low importance and low performance), while style in quadrant IV (low importance but high performance). In connection with the fashion competition that occurs in Manado, marketers must be able to act creatively in the development. Quicksilver need to conduct further internal research, in terms of follow up the result of this research, in order to increase or maintain the importance and performance of product attributes indicators that have a high impact to the consumers purchase decision that resulting in attract the customers attention and increasing the sales.
Keywords: product attributes, merk name, style, retail store, price, importance and performance analysis
Penulis: Virgilio J. P. Pangemanan, Sifrid S Pangemanan, Ferdinand Tumewu
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171026

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Paket Lengkap Dampak Pelatihan, Pengembangan Karir, Promosi Jabatan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pt. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Sam Ratulangi International Airport Manado

Abstrak: Persaingan sumber daya insan dalam dunia transportasi udara semakin hari semakin ketat, sehingga semakin dituntut kualitas dari setiap aspek perseorangan maupun perusahaan. Untuk tercapainya kualitas yang lebih baik, ada beberapa hal yang harus diketahui, termasuk didalamnya yaitu bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui imbas secara simultan maupun secara parsial pelatihan, pengembangan karir, dan promosi jabatan terhadap kinerja pegawai PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Sam Ratulangi international airport Manado. Data yang didapatkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 61 pegawai PT. Angkasa Pura 1 (Persero) Sam Ratulangi international airport Manado. Metode analisis yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini ialah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis mengatakan bahwa kekerabatan antara Pelatihan, Pengembangan Karir, Promosi jabatan terhadap kinerja pegawai memiliki kekerabatan yang sedang. Uji hipotesis secara simultan menyatakan bahwa Pelatihan, Pengembangan Karir, Promosi jabatan memiliki imbas yang signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Uji Hipotesis secara parsial mengatakan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Karir tidak ada imbas yang signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, sedangkan sebaliknya Promosi Jabatan memiliki imbas signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai.
Kata Kunci: pelatihan, pengembangan karir, promosi jabatan, kinerja pegawai
Penulis: Ricardo Gianluigi Tindi, Victor P.K Lengkong, Lucky O.H Dotulong
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171027

Friday, April 24, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Pendidikan Dan Promosi Jabatan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Sitaro

Abstrak: Keberhasilan suatu perusahaan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kinerja karyawanya. Telah menjadi hal yang niscaya bahwa perusahaan akan selalu berusaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui imbas pendidikan dan promosi jabatan terhadap kinerja pegawai kantor Dinas Pendidikan SITARO.  Penelitian ini memakai teknik analisa regresi liniar berganda. Populasi berjumlah dan sampel berjumlah 30 orang. Menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh. Hasil penelitian ini menandakan secara simultan pendidikan dan promosi jabatan besar lengan berkuasa sigifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai kantor Dinas Pendidikan SITARO, secara parsial pendidikan besar lengan berkuasa terhadap kinerja pegawai kantor Dinas Pendidikan SITARO dan secara parsial promosi jabatan besar lengan berkuasa terhadap kinerja pegawai kantor Dinas Pendidikan SITARO. Saran Untuk meningkatkan  Kinerja Pegawai pada Dinas Pendidikan Sitaro, hendaknya ditingkatkan lagi Faktor Pendidikan di dalamnya.
Kata kunci: pendidikan, promosi jabatan, kinerja pegawai
Penulis: Indah A Kahiking, Silvya . Mandey, Regina Saerang
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171028

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Teknologi Informasi, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Kompetensi Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan (Study Pada Kantor Sentra Bank Sulutgo)

Abstrak: Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat keberhasilan suatu organisasi perusahaan yakni produktivitas karyawan. Usaha untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan, diantaranya yakni dengan memperhatikan teknologi informasi, lingkungan kerja, dan kompetensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknologi informasi, lingkungan kerja, dan kompetensi baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap produktivitas karyawan pada Kantor Pusat Bank SulutGo. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yakni 252. Sampel yang dipakai pada penelitian ini berjumlah 72 responden dengan memakai rumus Slovin. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian yaitu memakai analisis regresi linier berganda, uji F dan uji t. Hasil penelitian pertanda teknologi informasi, lingkungan kerja dan kompetensi secara simultan kuat signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan, secara parsial teknologi gosip tidak kuat signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan, lingkungan kerja kuat signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan dan kompetensi kuat signifikan terhadap produktivitas karyawan. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan disarankan kepada pihak kantor sentra PT. Bank SulutGo untuk lebih memperhatikan variabel-variabel di penelitian ini yang kuat secara signifikan terhadap produktivitas.
Kata Kunci: teknologi informasi, lingkungan kerja, kompetensi,produktivitas karyawan
Penulis: Axchel . Tumiwa, Bernhard . Tewal, Indrie D. Palandeng
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171029

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Paket Lengkap Entrepreneurship As Side Activity (Case Study On Female Workers And Female Students In Manado City)

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to explore reasons and methods of female entrepreneur in Manado who conduct entrepreneurship as side activity. Especially with the current situation of the Indonesian workplace is being dominated by male, and there are already cases where female student succeed in having business while being an active. The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative approach and used triangulation methods as it tools. The methods used by the informants not so much different compared to those who conduct full-time entrepreneurship. With the informants aware of their entrepreneurial activity and has been planning ahead their entrepreneurship activity, to finally start it with their own personal saving as an initial capital. For the time management on both of their activity, most of them aware of their main activity’s responsibility and prioritize their main activity with less time allocated in their side activity. The result of reasons behind entrepreneurship activity are ‘hobby’, ‘for extra income’, ‘to be their own boss’, and ‘availability of own resources’. For female workers and students who have business idea or want to make extra money, conducting entrepreneurship might be a right choice, even if you have to start as side activity.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, side activity, female entrepreneur, student entrepreneur
Penulis: Owen . Rarumangkay, James . Massie, Farlane . Rumokoy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171030

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Paket Lengkap Factors Influencing Banks Capital Adequacy Ratio In Indonesian Banks: Case Study At Commercial Bank Listed Period 2010-2015

Abstract: Banks play a major role in foresting the economy of a nation. It serves as an intermediary for people with excess of money to the people in need of money. In carrying out its function, banks must maintain the capital adequacy that is used to assess its ability to bear risk that might occur. This research focuses on examining the factors that influence Indonesian commercial banks capital adequacy ratio (CAR). Fixed effect with least square dummy variable and 61 commercial banks as sample is used in the research. The result shows that operating expense to operating income ratio and total asset has a positive and significant influence to CAR. NIM is shows positive relationship with CAR this variable is found to be statistically significant. High level of capital will increase cash reserves that can be used to extend credit and high solvency level will open greater opportunities for the bank to improve its profitability. Conversely, low solvency level will reduce the bank’s ability to improve profitability, reduce public trust and affect its continuity.
Keywords: capital adequacy ratio (Car), net interest margin (nim), operating expense to operating income ratio (oeoi), total asset
Penulis: Franklin . Runtu, David . Saerang, Sifrid . Pangemanan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171031

Monday, April 20, 2015

Paket Lengkap Qualitative Study Of Consumer Perception On Retailer Private Local Merk Product (Case Study At Alfamart And Indomaret Mini Market In Manado)

Abstract: The continuously growth of business world of retail industry can’t be separate by how consumer react towards their private local merk that’s why the purpose of this study is to analyze consumer perception on Retailer Private Local Brand Product at Alfamart and Indomaret mini market in Manado area. using in-depth interview result show that most of respondents already buy private local merk of Alfamart and Indomaret mini market in Manado area but only certain kind of private local merk product (PLB) like mineral water, dry and wet tissue, under wear for man and woman, lighter, snacks and envelop. There are many more PLB products but only those products that dominantly purchased by consumers. By this, retailer like Alfamart and Indomaret mini market company need to maintain the selling of most purchased PLB products and hold the true identity of PLB product itself and able to compete with other famous merk not just by the price but also the quality of the product with lower and affordable price.
Keywords: marketing, private local brand, consumer perception, perceived price, perceived quality, perceived risk, perceived value
Penulis: Harini . Sondakh, Sifrid S. Pangemanan, Farlane S. Rumokoy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171032

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Impact Of Viral Marketing Using Social Media Platforms On Merk Awareness (Case Study: Laneige Cosmetic)

Abstract:     As the development of technology in this modern era, social media is used by companies as a medium to promote and introduce their products and services to consumers, and also impacts to build their brand. Then the phenomenon of viral marketing is become increasingly popular as part of today's marketing strategy. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of viral marketing using social media platforms on merk awareness of cosmetic merk from South Korea, Laneige. Social media that represent each social media platform are Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. The data in this study were obtained from questionnaire that distributed to 100 respondents by using purposive sampling method, where the data is further processed by multiple linear regression method. From the analysis results show that viral marketing through these three social media simultaneously gives a significant influence in building merk awareness of 51.5%, but individually only Instagram shows a greater positive effect on merk awareness than the other two variables.
Keywords: viral marketing, social media, merk awareness, platform
Penulis: Hillary Gabriella Barri, David P.E Saerang, Johan R. Tumiwa
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171034

Friday, April 17, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Effect Of Credit Rating Announcement To Market Reaction

Abstract: Credit assessment for sovereign is generally done by a Credit Rating Agency such as Standard & Poor’s that increase Indonesia rank as a good news for the investment sector in Indonesia, also firm’s variables such as size used  for trading strategies that can outperform the market. This study aims to analyze the market reaction to the announcement of Indonesia Investment Grade. The method that used is event study methodology. Sample used 22 companies of LQ 45 in IDX. Analysis using the 7-days window period with daily stock price and market index. The expected return calculated by market model. T-Test be used to examine the significance of Average Abnormal Return around the announcement. The results of the study is there is a significant aneh return the day after the announcement of Investment Grade. Another aims in this research is to analyze is whether firm size related to market reaction. The data used is daily market capitalization. The method used is three panel data model : Pooled Model, Fixed Model, and Random Model. Throughout the three models, the firm size hypothesis has positive significant relationship on aneh return. Findings suggest to extend the sample thus able to reflect Indonesian capital market.
Keywords: credit rating (investment grade) announcements, event study methodology, aneh return, firm size, panel data, market reaction
Penulis: Eunike Zega, James D.D Massie, Hizkia H.D Tasik
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171035

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paket Lengkap Analyzing Customer Perception Of Japanese Dessert Shop In Manado (Case Study: Sumoboo And Sumikko)

Abstract: Japanese cuisine become animo in Indonesia and people are attracted to the flavor which surprisingly suit with Indonesian taste. One of the most popular Japanese dessert in Indonesia is Sumoboo which is a franchise shop. On the other hand, there is a local merk call Sumikko that only exist in Manado. This research aims to analyze the Customer Perception of Japanese Dessert Shop. The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative approach. The sample size of this research is 15 informants who are the customer of Sumoboo and Sumikko. The sampling method used in this research is purposive and snowball sampling by doing interview with the customer. The key findings regarding customer perception showed the top three consideration include: Quality, Value, and Financial Risk. In this case, people in Manado have a different perception toward Japanese Dessert. The results of Customer Perception show that percentage of perceive quality, perceive value and perceive risk attributs are important to the customer but not significant. This study was done with hope that it could contribute to the future researchers to examined the other attributs that affect customer perception, the business that similar with Sumoboo and Sumikko to increase the profit or advantages.
Keywords: customer perception, perceive quality, perceive value, perceive risk, dessert shop
Penulis: Desiree . Gefilem, Joyce . Lapian, Merinda . Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171036

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Paket Lengkap A Comparative Study Of Job Enrichment Between Male And Female In Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Provinsi Sulut

Abstract: This research is important because through job enrichment, employee can increase job satisfaction by giving employees the opportunity to use their various abilities. The purpose of this study is to know making the work moreinteresting, challenging and satisfying if comparative studies of Job Enrichment between male and female employees. Thebenefits of this study are to improve employee performance and reduce public complaints about Public Servant. Therecommendation for this research is leaders must be careful when measuring employee performance. Because of that, not all employees can receive and do job enrichment. This study uses quantitative research and data was collected from the Public Works Department of North Sulawesi. The data were analyzed by Independent Sample T-test, to analyze if there any significant difference between job enrichment of male and female in Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Provinsi Sulut. The populationof this research is the employees of Dinas Pekerjaan Umum in Sulut, with 50 respondents of male employee and 50respondent of female employee as the sample. The result shows that there is a significant difference between job enrichmentof male and female at Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Sulut.
Keywords: job enrichment, male, female
Penulis: Jazzy . Andries, Linda . Lambey, Johan R. Tumiwa
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171038

Monday, April 13, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Analysis Of Internet Services Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method In Manado (Case Study: Telkomsel, Xl And 3)

Abstract: Internet has become important things in human lives. Nowadays, some of people added internet as their primary needs. Consumer purchase decision is the process involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose products, services or experience and ideas to satisfy their needs It is important because in understanding customer decision making, we will understand how consumer make the purchase decision, how the process of decision making by customer from searching until selecting the product or service, and also we can know the factors that influence the decision making. Based on five criteria (restaurant price, usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment and speed), speed become the most influence to attract consumer followed by price. This research used quantitative method. Quantitative research seeks to quantify the data. The method used in this research is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is a method for ranking decision alternatives and selecting the best one given multiple criteria. It allows users to assess the relative weight of multiple criteria or multiple options against given criteria in an intuitive manner.
Keywords: customer decision making, analytical hierarchy process
Penulis: F. Geraldy Lumempouw, Sifrid S. Pangemanan, Merinda . Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171039

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Paket Lengkap Analyzing The Financial Statement Using Horizontal – Vertical Analysis To Evaluating The Company Financial Performance Period 2012-2016 (Case Study At Pt. Unilever Indonesiatbk)

Abstract: The globalization of markets makes every business activity transcends the national border One of the multinational corporations that operated in Indonesia is PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. to survive and compete in the market the company not only focused on the strategy but also expected to be able to pay attention to the importance of financial statement for the continuity of the company in the market. This study is aim to know the financial performance of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk from 2012 to 2016.The researcher analyzed the data based on the secondary data which are the financial statements of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk from 2012-2016 by using Horizontal and Vertical analysis these two methods is used which aims to analyze the company financial performance. The secondary data is gathered through official site of Indonesia Stock Exchange that has the financial statement of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. Descriptive quantitative approach is used in this research. After applied the horizontal and vertical analysis as a tools to evaluating the company financial performance, the result shows that the financial performance of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk has a good performance every analyzing year.
Keywords: horizontal Analysis, vertical Analysis, financial performance
Penulis: Maharani Nadia Lakada, S.L.H.V. Joice Lapian, Johan R. Tumiwa
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171040

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Paket Lengkap Efek Konflik Kiprah Dan Keadilan Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Tetap Hotel Sahid Surabaya)

Abstract: Hotel Sahid Surabaya merupakan salah satu jenis perjuangan perhotelan di bawah naungan PT. Sahid Group. Perusahaan memiliki visi untuk mengakibatkan Hotel Sahid sebagai hotel terbaik di Surabaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut karyawan sebagai pelaku utama dituntut untuk memaksimalkan kemampuan yang dimilikinya dan menghasilkan kinerja terbaik.
Untuk menghasilkan kinerja yang baik, konflik kiprah dan keadilan organisasi menjadi faktor yang sanggup berdampak eksklusif terhadap baik dan buruknya kinerja karyawan. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis imbas konflik kiprah dan keadilan organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada hotel Sahid Surabaya. Sampel penelitian ini ialah 86 karyawan tetap, teknik sampling yang dipakai ialah simple random sampling. Teknik pengujian data yang dipakai analisis regresi berganda dengan memakai software SPSS 23. Hasil penelitian ini mengatakan bahwa konflik kiprah besar lengan berkuasa signifikan negatif terhadap kinerja karyawan, keadilan organisasi besar lengan berkuasa signifikan konkret terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini juga mengatakan bahwa konflik kiprah dan keadilan organisasi besar lengan berkuasa secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan.
Kata kunci: Konflik Tugas, Keadilan Organisasi, Kinerja Karyawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171041

Friday, April 10, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Influence Of Change Management And Organizational Culture To Employee Performance Study At Sam Ratulangi University Rectorate

Abstract: This research titled: The Influence Of Change Management And Organizational Culture To Employee Performance Study At Sam Ratulangi University Rectorate. This study aims to determine the impact of change management and organizational culture on employee performance simultaniously and partially. Total sample are 75 respondents. The research was conducted at Sam Ratulangi University Rectorate office in Manado City North Sulawesi Province. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, t test and F test. The results showed that, change management has significant and positive impact on employee performance, change management become the highest impact factor to employee performance compare other variable in this research. Organizational culture has significant and positive impact on employee performance, organizational culture become the lowest impact factor to employee performance compare other variable. Suggestion of this research is Sam Ratulangi University in order to improve the employee performance of this organization should focus first of all on the change management also the organizational culture as the proxy of employee performance.
Keywords: change management, organizational culture, employee performance
Penulis: Dwiranni F. Lumunon, Farlane S. Rumokoy, Johan Tumiwa
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171042

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Paket Lengkap Marketing Strategy Analysis Of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprise (Case Study: Furniture Industry In Touliang Oki Village)

Abstract: Small and Medium Enterprises are the backbone of  major economy and empirical studies prove that small firms are more efficient and innovative in their operation, product development and marketing strategies. The objective in this study is to analyze marketing strategies of SME’s running entrepreneurs in Touliang Oki village. This study is qualitative studied about Marketing Strategy of Small and Medium Size Enterprises. A field survey method was faced to faced interviews were recorded to analyze the marketing strategies of Micro Sall Medium Enterprise Touliang Oki is one of the village in Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Most of them produce Furniture froom wood. Marketing strategy that they use is door to door and online shopping (facebook and whatsapp) strategy. Their innovations were in the shape of unique designs that not only meet the need of customers. Their services are innovative in a sense that they satisfy the customers. They also faced barriers like lack of raw material in this case they are used wood for the raw material and also they are still use standard machine makes their production is not maximal. Findings suggest to build initiatives some programs for students and lecturers to become business consultant of SME in Indonesia.
Keywords: marketing strategy, micro, small, medium enterprise
Penulis: Maria Christy Sualang, James D.D Massie, Merinda Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171043

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Paket Lengkap Imbas Stres Kerja Dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di Pdam Surya Sembada Surabaya

Abstract: Sumber daya insan bermuara pada kenyataan bahwa insan merupakan elemen yang senantiasa ada dalam setiap perusahaan. Mereka inilah yang bekerja menciptakan tujuan, mengadakan inovasi, dan mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Hal tersebut sanggup dicapai apabila sumber daya insan mempunyai kinerja yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui imbas stres kerja dan karakteristik pekerjaan terhadap kinerja karyawan di PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini ialah seluruh karyawan PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya pada bab kelola sumber daya manusia, kelola aset, persediaan dan pengadaan. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 80 karyawan. Hasil penelitian ini mengatakan bahwa stres kerja besar lengan berkuasa tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Karakteristik pekerjaan mempunyai imbas yang signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan. Stres kerja dan karakteristik pekerjaan besar lengan berkuasa secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya pada bab kelola sumber daya manusia, kelola aset, persediaan dan pengadaan.
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171044

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Paket Lengkap Analisis Risiko Sistematis Dan Faktor Mendasar Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Sektor Properti Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Pengaruh Indonesia

Abstrak: Investasi yaitu menanamkan modal kedalam suatu aktiva dengan impian memperoleh manfaat atau laba di masa yang akan datang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis imbas Resiko Sistematis dan Faktor Fundamental (ROA, ROE, DER, NPM) terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Sektor Properti secara parsial maupun simultan. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis regresi linier bergada. Hasil penelitian mengatakan bahwa Resiko Sistematis, Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Debt Equity Ratio,  dan Net Profit Margin secara simultan besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property  yang terdaftar di BEI, Resiko Sistematis secara parsial tidak besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property yang terdaftar di BEI, Return On Asset secara parsial tidak besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property yang terdaftar di BEI, Return On Equity secara parsial tidak besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property yang terdaftar di BEI, Debt to Equity Ratio secara parsial tidak besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property yang terdaftar di BEI, Net Profit Margin secara parsial tidak besar lengan berkuasa signifikan terhadap Harga Saham Sektor Property yang terdaftar di BEI. Sebaiknya dalam  penelitian selanjutnya sanggup membahas faktor-faktor lain yang belum diteliti dalam penelitian ini.
Kata kunci: resiko sistematis, roa,  roe, der, npm, harga saham
Penulis: Angreyni . Rorong, Ivonne S. Saerang, Victoria . Untu
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171045

Monday, April 6, 2015

Paket Lengkap Efek Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan, Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pt. Telkom, Tbk Manado

ABSTRAK : Sumber daya insan merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam suatu organisasi. Tanpa tugas sumber daya insan meskipun aneka macam sumber daya lain yang diharapkan telah tersedia, organisasi tidak akan berjalan. Hal ini alasannya insan merupakan penggagas dan penentu jalannya suatu organisasi. Agar aktifitas administrasi berjalan dengan baik, perusahaan harus mempunyai sumber daya insan yaitu karyawan yang mempunyai kecakapan tinggi serta perjuangan untuk mengelola perusahaan seoptimal mungkin sehingga kinerja karyawan meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan. Penelitian ini memakai metode asosiatif. Populasi yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini ialah seluruh karyawan PT. TELKOM Manado. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ialah sebanyak 67 responden. Alat analisis yang dipakai ialah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian secara simultan Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Lingkungan Kerja kuat secara signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. TELKOM Manado. Secara parsial Lingkungan Kerja tidak kuat signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. TELKOM Manado. Untuk itu para pemimpin di dalam perusahaan perlu terus dibina, dilatih, serta dikembangkan semoga menjadi contoh dalam berperilaku dan bekerja.
Kata Kunci: budaya organisasi, kepemimpinan, lingkungan kerja, kinerja karyawan
Penulis: Eunike M. Massie, Lotje . Kawet, Greis . Sendow
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171046

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Impact Of Workforce Diversity And Career Development Towards Employees Performance Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Case In Matahari Department Store, Manado)

Abstract: Performance is the result of work produced both in terms of quality and quantity of work and can be accounted for in accordance with its role within the organization or company, and accompanied by the ability, skills, and skills in completing the work and within a certain period. The purpose of this research is the investigation of the impact of workforce diversity and career development towards employee performance. Workforce diversity has been identified as one of the strategic capabilities that will add value to the organizations over their competition and Career Development is personal improvements do to achieve a career plan. This research is a quantitative research, which the data is obtained through questionare, and the data is analysed using the Multiple Linear Regression. The population of this research is the employees of Matahari Department Store in Manado, with 100 respondents of as the sample. The result shows that independent variables have a significant effect on dependent variable simultaneously. It means workforce diversity and career development have a significant effect on employee performance simultaneously. In partially test workforce diversity do not have positive significant effect on employee performance, Career development are the variables that show a large positive significant effect on employee performance.
Keywords: workforce diversity, career development, employee performance
Penulis: Tio Riyandi Prasetio, S.L.H.V. Joyce Lapian, Farlane S. Rumokoy
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171047

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Paket Lengkap Self-Assessment Among The Students Of International Business Administration Sam Ratulangi University On The Entrepreneurial Potential

Abstract: The students of IBA are educated and facilitated to become entrepreneurs through various academic programs such as introductory courses and student affair programs such as entrepreneurship courses and entrepreneurial competitions. However, there’s no evaluation that the education and facilitation provided by IBA aktivitas is effective enough to create high quality entrepreneur. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the entrepreneurial potential by identify and examine the attributes, mindset, and willingness to be self-employed whether the primary objective is to deliver social value or to create economic value. In accordance with this purpose, the self-assessment questionnaire was administered to 50 respondents among the students of International Business Administration, Sam Ratulangi University. As statistical analysis, this research provides Descriptive Statistics and Kruskal Wallis analysis were used. The result revealed that most of IBA students indicate high level of self-evaluation as entrepreneurial attributes but they are not having enough mindset as well as an entrepreneur. However most of them are willing to be entrepreneur with the primary objective is to create economic value. Therefore, IBA aktivitas needs to arrange the strategy in order to set a mindset as well as an entrepreneur and increase the preference of delivering social value.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Potential, Self-Assessment
Penulis: Marimar E. Rumagit, James D.D Massie, Merinda . Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171048

Friday, April 3, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Effect Of Quality Of Work Life On Organizational Commitment (Case Study At Pt. Bank Bri Branch Manado)

Abstract: Quality of Work Life are the important thing when employee achieve the main goals, with support by good human resource management employees reach the purpose of the organization to create a great commitment. Therefore, good quality of work life create a high organizational commitment. This research aimed to analyze simultaneously and partially effect of quality of work life (fair and adequate payment, safe and healthy workplace, growth and security, development of human capabilities, social integration) on organizational commitment at PT. Bank BRI Branch Manado. Multiple regression analysis and quantitative method are used to this research. Respondent consists of 50 employees of PT. Bank BRI Branch Manado through questionnaire. The result data processed using SPSS 20 and result showed that quality of work life (fair and adequate payment, safe and healthy workplace, growth and security, development of human capabilities, social integration) has a significant influence to organizational commitment simultaneously. Partially growth and security, development of human capabilities are significant influence organizational commitment. PT. Bank BRI Branch must maintain the strategic programs to improve the quality of human resources working life in organizations.
 Keywords: quality of work life, organizational commitment
Penulis: Valenia F. Wongkar, David P. E. Saerang, Merinda . Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171049

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Influence Of Perceived Price, Merk Recognition And Consumer Attitude On Purchase Intention Of Private Label Product At Alfamidi Manado

Abstract: The growth of the retail business provides various benefits to consumers to shop, but indirectly will result in consumers' perceptions in the shop. Marketing is defined as a process in society where the structure of demand for economic goods and services is anticipated or enlarged and satisfied through the conception, promotion, exchange and physical distribution of such goods and services. Therefore, a business needs to take seriously the management of goods or services offered to consumers. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence of perceived prices, merk recognition and consumer attitudes toward the intention to buy private label products in Alfamidi Manado. The method used is multiple linear regressions with the number of samples in this study as many as 60 respondents as Alfamidi consumers, especially in retailers Alfamidi Citraland Winangun Manado. The results of this study indicate that the perceived price, merk recognition and consumer attitudes have affect on the purchase intention of private label products. The perceived price does not affect the purchase intention of private label products. Brand recognition has a positive and significant impact on purchase intention of private label products. Consumer attitudes have no effect on purchasing intention of private label product products.
Keywords: marketing, purchase intention, perceived price, merk recognition, consumer attitude
Penulis: Resilooy Marcho Vincensius, Sifrid S. Pangemanan, Merinda Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171050

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Paket Lengkap The Role Of Internal Communication In Driving Employee Engagement (Study Case Of Pt. Sinar Galesong Prima Manado)

Abstract: The rise of globalization developments in economic, political, social, areas crucially affects organizational lives of individuals in the society. With these developments organization management are obliged to develop new management to struggle the competition conditions. The purpose of this research is to know how is the role of internal communication in driving PT. Sinar Galesong Prima employee engagement. This research is qualitative analysis interview, the population is the employee of PT. Sinar Galesong Prima, and the sample method is using snowball sampling. The data were gathered through interview with informants and examination of the literature review from previous researcher. The result is all the informants explained that the role of internal communication is very important in driving employee engagement. The conclusion is Employees at PT. Sinar Galesong Prima think that Internal Communication is important, formally and informally. The communication media that being used situation ally is Direct Communication and Telecommunication such as Messaging App, and regarding employee engagement, PT. Sinar Galesong Prima manage to make their employee engaged by giving bonus, and also gives personal compliments to employee. This research recommend PT. Sinar Galesong Prima to teach their employee to always using formal communication in routine to increase their employee engagement.
Keywords: internal communication, employee engagement
Penulis: Jeaneta Sarah Pungus, David P. E. Saerang, Merinda . Pandowo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd171051