Thursday, March 31, 2016

Paket Lengkap Dampak Persepsi Media Umum Dan Sponsorship Marketing Terhadap Positive Word Of Mouth Serta Dampaknya Pada Ekuitas Merek (Studi Pada Konsumen Wardah Kosmetik Di Media Umum Di Semarang)

Abstract: In this fast growing era, internet is no strange to everyone. Whether it’s for individual, corporate, educational, even business interests. Marketing or selling a product throught the internet has become commonplace. Marketing with internet-based strategies,especially social media, can pressing the price of marketing or promotion, but it can reach a large income. Through social media, customers can find information about what they want more easily and freely. One of the biggest merk of cosmetics industry that utilize this strategy is Wardah Cosmetics. As a merk with more than 30 years experience, Wardah should be superior in competition, by building strong merk equity. This study aimed to analyze the variabels of social media perception, sponsorship marketing to positive word of mouth and its impact on merk equity. This study is conducted on Wardah cosmetic’s customer in social media in Semarang.
Convenience sampling method is used for this research, samples were collected from 100 respondents (consumer who have instagram account, follow Wardah’s account (@wbhsemarang) and use Wardah products). Multiple regression analysis is used fo this study.
This results showed that social media perception and sponsorship marketing has positive and significant effect on positive word of mouth, and positive word of mouth has positive and significant effect on merk equity.
Keywords: Social Media Perception, Sponsorship Marketing, Positive Word Of Mouth, and Brand Equity
Penulis: Ayu Indira Griyana Dewi, Rizal Hari Magnadi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170926

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Efek Hari Libur Islam Terhadap Gila Return Saham (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Yang Tercatat Di Jii Tahun 2012-2016)

Abstract: There are still some differences in the results of research on the impact of holiday on stock returns. Other than that there are still few researches who only specifically examine the effects of islamics holidays against aneh return. This research aims to analyse the influence of Islamic holiday to aneh return of shares before and after Islamic holiday. The holidays used are Maulid Nabi, Isra’ Mi’raj, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha, and New Year Hijriyah. The study period used from 2012 to 2016.
This research uses event study. Research population used all company which listed in Jakarta Islamic Index. Technique of choosing sample is used purposive sampling and obtained 15 company. The data used in this research obtained from website KSEI, website BEI, and online trading system of Mirae Asset Securities. Determination of estimated return using market adjusted model. Parametric analysis tets tools used to test the hypothesis in this study are descriptive statistic, normality tets, and paired sample t-test.
The result of this study indicate that the Maulid Nabi holiday and Idul Fitri holidays affect the significant aneh return difference between before and after the holiday. While the holidays of Isra’ Mi’raj, Idul Adha, and New Year Hijriyah hove no effect on the difference of aneh return of stock before and after the holiday.
Keywords: Islamic holiday, aneh return, event study
Penulis: Bagus Wahyu Pujiadi, Astiwi Indriani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170927

Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mensugesti Minat Beli Produk Private Label

Abstract: This study aims to investigate factors influencing purchase intention of private label product. The factors, such as price perception, quality perception, risk perception, intrinsic cues, extrinsic cues, and familiarity, were examined to find out which factors played significant role on purchase intention of private label product. The examination was also looking for the differences of factors influence on both groups of gender which were male and female.
Using probability sampling method, the datas were raised by spreading questionnaires to 120 young adults in Semarang who knew the information about private label product. Collected data were analysed with IBM SPSS 21 for windows using some methods such as validity, reliability, normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, multiple linear regression, ANOVA, R Square, and T test.
The findings of study indicate some factors such as price perception, quality perception, and familiarity significantly influence purchase intention of private label product. Also, the findings explain that male likely take a risk than female.
Keywords: consumer behaviour, private label, purchase intention, price perception, quality perception, risk perception, intrinsic cues, extrinsic cues, familiarity, gender differences
Penulis: Bramasto Adi, Farida Indriani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170928

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Konflik Tugas Dan Ambiguitas Tugas Terhadap Janji Organisasi Melalui Stres Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Semarang)

Abstract: Role conflict and role ambiguity that experienced by employees on a company can causing job stress. Job stress experienced by employee can directly effect the high and low of employees organizational commitment. The aim of this research was to examine and analyze the influence of role conflict to job stress, the influence of role ambiguity to job stress, the influence of job stress to organizational commitment, the influence of role conflict to organizational commitment through job stress as intervening variable and the influence of role ambiguity to organizational commitment through job stress as intervening variable.
The population in this research was employees at PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Witel Semarang with total amount of 170 employees by taking the research sample as much as 90 employees using quota sampling technique. Data would be analyzed by using multiple linear regression analysis. The data testing technique used path analysis or path analysis,  which  the  path  analysis  includes:  test  validity,  reliability  test,  classical assumption test, T test, F test, coefficient determination test and test sobel to test the mediation effect.
Based on the result of this research, the researcher concluded that role conflict and role  ambiguity  had  positive  and  significant  influence  to  job  stress.  Job  stress  had  a negative  and  significant  effect  on  organizational  commitment.  Role  conflict  had  no negative and significant effect on organizational commitment mediated by job stress, whereas   role   ambiguity  had   a   negative   and   significant   effect   on   organizational commitment that was mediated by job stress.
Keywords: role conflict, role ambiguity, job stress and organiational commitment
Penulis: Cindy Silvia, Ahyar Yuniawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170929

Monday, March 28, 2016

Paket Lengkap Imbas Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Karyawan Bab Weaving Pt. Primatexco Indonesia)

Abstract: This research purposes to finding the effect of physical work environment and non-physical work environment to employee performance through job satisfaction as intervening variabel (study on employees of unit weaving PT. Primatexco Indonesia).
Data collected through distribution of questionnaires to 70 employees of unit weaving PT. Primatexco Indonesia with non random sampling. The techniques of data testing in this research includes validity test, reliability test, the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, and the Sobel test to examine the mediation effect with software SPSS version 16 for Windows.
The results of this research indicates that  physical work environment has positive and significant influence on the job satisfaction, non-physical work environment has faktual and significant influence on job satisfaction, physical work environment has positive and significant influence on the employee performance, non-physical work environment has positive influence but not significant on the employee performance,  job satisfaction has faktual influence but not significant on the employee performance, and job satisfaction hasn’t mediation effect on physic work environment and non-physic work environment to employee performance.
Keywordsl: physical work environment, non-physical work environment, job satisfaction, employee performance
PENULIS: Dasio Untung, Rini Nugraheni
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170930

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Paket Lengkap Efek Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car), Financing To Deposit Ratio (Fdr), Ukuran Direksi, Ukuran Dewan Pengawas Syariah, Dan Ukuran Bank Terhadap Return On Deposit (Rod) Pada Bank Umum Syariah Di Indonesia Dengan Kepemilikan Ajaib Sebagai Variabel Dummy

Abstract: Return on Deposit (ROD) is one of profitability measures in syaria bank. The purpose of this paper is to analyze determinants of Return on Deposit (ROD)   of syaria bank in Indonesia. Those determinant factors are Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), board size, Shari’a Supervisory Board size, bank size, market interest rate, and foreign ownership. The sample in this study consisted of 11 syari’a banks from year abad of 2011 until 2015. The sample was selected by purposive sampling method. The research hypothesis testing method of this paper uses multiple regression analysis. The results show that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), and Shari’a Supervisory Board size  significantly influence Return on Deposit (ROD) in positive way. However, the results do not show any relationship between board size and  Return on Deposit (ROD) neither do banks’ size and Return on Deposit (ROD). Domestic sharia bank has better ROD’s performance than foreign sharia bank.
Keywords: Return on Deposit (ROD), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), board size
Penulis: Deki Nofendi, Sugeng Wahyudi
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170931

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Financial Performance, Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr), Insider Ownership, Firm Size, Dividend Policy Dan Proporsi Komisaris Independen Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Perkara Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Listing Di Bursa Imbas Indonesia Kurun 2010-2015)

Abstract: This research purposes to indentify the main factors influencing firm value that proxied by Price Book Value (PBV) especially in manufacturing companies sector listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during period 2010-2015.
The population of this research consists of manufacturing companies listed on the IDX period 2010-2015. This research used secondary data anda used purposive sampling method in determining the sample. The total of sample in this case are 50 companies. Multiple regression is used as the analysis technique in this research.
The study documents the positive significant of financial performance, firm size, dividend policy and proportion of independent commissioner on firm value. While the disclosure of corporate social responsibility and insider ownership found influental positive but insignificant to firm value.
Keywords: firm value, financial performance, corporate social responsibility disclosure,insiderownership, firm size, dividend policy, proportion of independent commissioner
Penulis: Deo Panggabean, Prasetiono
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170932

Friday, March 25, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Dampak Motivasi Kerja, Kepemimpinan Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Bab Penjualan Di Pt. Perindustrian Bapak Djenggot Bergas, Semarang)

Abstract: Human Resources is one factor that is vital as a determinant of the success of the company. The Company's success itself is usually determined from the performance of its employees. From the results of the pre-survey known phenomenon that occurs in the company is a decrease in employee performance. On the other hand the discovery of Research Gap from previous studies on the influence of work motivation, leadership and organizational  culture  on  employee  performance.  This  is  the  background  to  do  the research.
This study uses the work motivation, leadership and organizational culture as an independent  variable,  and  employee  performance  as  the  dependent  variable.  The population of this research is a sales employee of PT. Industry Mr. Djenggot Bergas Semarang. The sampling technique used is sampling saturated, with a sample of 64 people. The data obtained has been tested reliability and invalidity using validity and reliability. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis.
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that there is a positive  and  significant  influence  of  work  motivation,  leadership  and  organizational culture  on  employee  performance.  Of  the  coefficient  of  determination  shows  that motivation, leadership and organizational culture influence on employee performance of sales PT. Industry Mr. Djenggot Bergas Semarang 23.4%. While the remaining 76.6% is explained by other variables that are not described in this study.
Keywords: Work Motivation, Leadership, Organizational Culture Employee Performance
PENULIS: Destu Aji Hanantoko, Rini Nugraheni
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170933

Paket Lengkap Analisis Efek Good Corporate Governance (Gcg), Prinsip Pembiayaan, Dan Tujuan Penggunaan Pembiayaan Terhadap Pembiayaan Bermasalah Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia

Abstract: The largest asset in sharia banking is financing, along with the rapid development of sharia banking, management is required to maximize their assets to increase their profits. Therefore, sufficient knowledge and understanding of financing risks in sharia banking must be owned. This study aims to analyze the influence of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Financing Principles, and Financing Usage on Non Performing Financing (NPF) of Sharia Banking. The sample used in this research is secondary data from non performing financing (NPF), composite value of corporate governance, Financing Principles (assets based financing and debt based financing), and Financing Usage (working capital financing, investment financing, and consumption financing) for the period 2011-2015. This study uses Multiple Linear Regression Method as the method of analysis. The results of this study indicate that GCG, financing Principles, and Financing Usage affected the level of non performing financing on Islamic Banking in Indonesia. Then the partial test shows debt based financing, investment financing, and consumption financing have a significant positive effect on the level of non performing financing on Islamic Banking in Indonesia.
Keywords: NPF, GCG, Financing Principles, Financing Usage
Penulis: Dicky Permana Hidayat, Erman Denny Arfinto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170934

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Efek Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Kompetensi Sdm, Inovasi, Dan Kapabilitas Sumber Daya Supplier Terhadap Keunggulan Bersaing Industri Logam Mesin Dan Elektronik Di Kabupaten Tegal

Abstract: Tegal Regency’s Metal Industry is one of the oldest metal industries in Indonesia. This industry began in Dutch colonial era, to meet the demand for equipment & spare part for sugar factory, rail way, shipping and textile factories. Metal Industries in Tegal Regency continues to grow until now, but few years back this industries experience decline, this is due to the difficulty to obtain raw materials and a lot of abroad products that enter Indonesia. This study aims to determine the relationship between entrepreneur orientation, human resource competencies, innovation and supplier resource capabilities to competitive advantage of metal industries in Tegal Regency.
Using questionnaire to metal Industry owner in Tegal Regency and regression analysis, these four variables (entrepreneur orientation, human resource competencies, innovation and supplier resource capabilities) were tested whether they had an influence on competitive advantage, and how much influence they had.
The results showed that the variables of entrepreneur orientation, human resource competency, innovation, and supplier resource capability affect the competitive advantage of metal industry in Tegal Regency either partially or simultaneously. However, only three have significant affect, namely supplier resource capability, human resource competence and innovation.
Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, human resource, supplier resource capabilities, competitive advantage, metal industry
Penulis: Dwi Kusuma Ramdani, Susilo Toto Rahardjo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170935

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Kualitas Produk, Harga, Desain Produk Dan Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Produk Sarung Tinju Merek “An-Da” Di Jawa Tengah

Abstract: Sports is very important today and has become a worldwide trend, with this phenomenon there is also an increasing isu terkini in sports product. This study aims to analyze the influence of product quality, price, product design, and word of mouth of AN-DA boxing gloves purchase decision in Central Java. Product quality, price, product design, and word of mouth are matters that are considered before buying a pair of boxing gloves and are providing value to customers in choosing boxing gloves that have become the needs for athletes in Central Java.
Sampling method used in this study is purposive sampling. Data were collected from 100 respondents who have met the criteria of ever purchasing and using AN-DA boxing gloves and are domiciled in Central Java. The analytical methods used in this study include validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient determination test, F test and t test using IBM SPSS Statistics version 24.
The results show that the variables of product quality, price, product design, and word of mouth have positive and significant impact on purchase decision by the regression equation. Product quality is the most influential variable on purchasing decisions followed by product design, price and word of mouth. Four independent variables are contributing 66.2% to the purchase decision. While the remaining 33.8% is influenced by other variables outside of this study.
Keywords: product quality, price, product design, and word of mouth, purchase decision
Penulis: Faisal Firdaus, Budi Sudaryanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170936

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Paket Lengkap Penerapan Metode Quality Function Deployment (Qfd) Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Industri Rumahan Roti Raja Asih

Abstract: Raja Asih Home Industry is one of the SMEs engaged in cakes and bakery in Cirebon regency. In the future, the bakery market will increase, so there will be a lot of business in the field of cakes and bakery, making the competition increasingly tight. One way to win the competition is by continuously improving the quality of the product to suit the consumer's wishes. This study discusses the application of Quality Function Deployment method, which aims to ensure that the products produced can meet the level of quality desired by consumers. Application of QFD method in improving product quality using House of Quality matrix (HoQ).
The data in this study was collected by survey method using structured and situational interviews as well as questionnaires on 50 respondents. The method used is Quality Function Deployment Method (QFD).
The result of this research is that there are 6 factors from bakery product that is considered very important by consumers, they are: texture, color of maturity, shape and size, bread quality, nutritional composition information and expiration time and company reputation. Based on the calculation of technical interest, which need to be prioritized in the improvement by the company are: selection of raw materials, cleaning equipment, machine maintenance and selection of jam.
Keywords: Quality Functional Deployment, House of Quality, Product Quality, Home Industry, Cakes and Bakery
Penulis: Firman Raharja, Amie Kusumawardhani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170937

Monday, March 21, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Kualitas Pelayanan, Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan, Kepercayaan, Dan Niat Pembelian Kembali (Studi Pada Toko Online Blibli.Com)

Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the effects that arise from the service quality and website quality on customer satisfaction, and trust, its influence on repurchase intention from Variables used in this study is service quality and website quality  as an independent variable, and customer satisfaction and trust as an intervening variable lastly, the repurchase intention as the dependent variable. The sample in this study were 171 respondents from the consumer of
The method used is non- probability purposive sampling by distributing e-questionnaires to the respondents (customer). In this study developed a theoretical model to propose six hypotheses to be tested using analysis tools Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which is operated through a agenda AMOS 24.0. Based on the research of data processing SEM for full model has met the criteria of goodness of fit as follows, the value of chi-square = 134,089; probability = 0,076; RMSEA = 0,034; CMIN/DF = 1,197; GFI = 0,915; TLI = 0,983; CFI = 0,986; and a marginal criteria which is AGFI = 0,883. With the result, it can be said that this model is feasible to be used. The results showed that the repurchasse intention can be improved by increasing website quality that affect the trust  as a determinant of success to increase repurchase intention.
Keywords: e-quality, satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention
Penulis: Galuh Novinoa, Sutopo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170938

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Efek Kualitas Warta Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Website Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Beli Ulang Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro Pada Situs Elevenia.Co.Id Dengan Memakai Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

Abstract: Indonesia is a very potential market for developing e-commerce business. is one of the newcomer e-commerce sites in Indonesia, but based on a survey conducted by shows in the last six months the number of visitors site continues to experience a drastic decline, this indicates the low interest in buying to the site This study aimed to analyze the effect of quality information and quality of service on the website to customer satisfaction in the increasing repurchase intention on site. Variables used in this research is the quality of information and service quality as an independent variable, customer satisfaction as mediating variables and repurchase intention as the dependent variable.
The sample used in this study were 147 students at the University of Diponegoro who did purchased transaction on Data collection method used is to questionnaires distributed by non-probability sampling technique with the kind of purposive sampling. The analytical method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were analyzed using analysis tools with AMOS 20.0 Maximum Likelihood technique.
The results of SEM analysis carried out, indicate that the quality of information has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, meanwhile quality of service has a positive and significant impact on consumer satisfaction but has no direct influence on repurchase intention and consumer satisfaction have a positive influence and significantly to repurchase intention. Thus, to increase repurchase intention in sites, companies must improve consumers satisfaction by providing quality information and quality of service as possible on the website
Keywords: Information Quality, Service Quality, Costumer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention
Penulis: Gear Ramadhan, Harry Soesanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170939

Paket Lengkap Efek Penerapan Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, Dan Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Operasi (Studi Pada Pengrajin Tas Di Pusat Industri Tas Ciampea, Kab. Bogor)

Abstract: The production processes are closely related to operations management. Operations management is the key driver of production processes, therefore, operational performance is mendasar for the sustainability of the company. Various production problems which encountered most of bags manufacturer in Ciampea, Bogor Regency, indicates the need for further study. This study purpose is to analyze the impact of Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, and entrepreneurial orientation on operational performance.
Data collection technique used in this study are questionnaire. The sample is selected using simple random sampling technique and the number of respondents selected is 58 respondents. To analyze the impact of independent variables on dependent variable, multiple linier regression analysis is used.
The result of this study showed that Total Quality Management have positive impact on operational performance (first hypothesis accepted). The second hypothesis which state that Supply Chain Management have positive impact on operational performance is accepted as well. The third hypothesis which state that entrepreneurial orientation have positive impact on operational performance is accepted. The coefficient of determination test result stated that all three independent variables have an impact of 53% on operational performance. Bag manufacturers in Ciampea, Bogor Regency are recommended to develop their employee, integrate with suppliers, and not too depend on intermediary traders.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Supply Chain Management, entrepreneurial orientation, operational performance
PENULIS: Haifa Labdhagati, Mahfudz
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170940

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Dampak Work Family Conflict Dan Family Work Conflict Terhadap Intention To Quit Dengan Burnout Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. Wilayah Semarang)

Abstract: Intention to quit is one of the most widely researched areas in organizational analysis because the lack of competent employees can negatively impact the organization's competitive advantage. Employees who are less competent can be caused by work family conflict and family work conflict when they work. Imbalances of both roles can cause employees experiencing burnout due to prolonged stress. Continuous burnout conditions can trigger employees to have intention to quit from their work. The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the influence of work family conflict and family work conflict on intention to quit with burnout as an intervening variable.
This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to all female employees of PT Telekomunikasi  Indonesia,  Tbk.  Wilayah Semarang  which  amounted  to  46  employees.  Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Mechanical testing data used this study include the path analysis and sobel test to test the effect of mediation.
The results showed that work family conflict positive and significant influence to burnout and intention to quit, family work conflict positive and significant influence to burnout and intention to quit, and burnout positive and significant influence on intention to quit. Additionally, burnout capable  mediating the  relationship  between  work family conflict  and family work  conflict  on intention to quit.
Keywords: Work Family Conflict, Family Work Conflict, Burnout, Intention to Quit
PENULIS: Hesti Wulansari, Ahyar Yuniawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170941

Friday, March 18, 2016

Paket Lengkap Imbas Kemasan Dan Daya Tarik Iklan Terhadap Gambaran Merek Serta Preferensi Merek Di Media Umum Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Mahasiswa/I Undip Konsumen Aqua)

Abstract: This study is aims to analyze the influence of packaging and advertising appeal on merk image and merk preference in social media to purchase decisions (study on students Undip consumer AQUA).The data collecting method is done through a questionnaire with close and open questions to 100 respondents. Sampel criteria such as students of Undip, who watch advertising of AQUA in mass media or social media and buying AQUA in 2016/2017. Multiple regression analysis in SPSS jadwal is used for this study. The results showed that the packaging and advertising appeal has positive and significant effect on merk image, and then merk image and merk preference in social media has positive and significant effect on purchase decisions.
Keywords: packaging, advertising appeal, merk image, purchase decisions
PENULIS: Ida Maslakhah, Sutopo Sutopo
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170942

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Efek Tqm Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Pt. Rimatex Putra Nusantara Wanarejan Taman, Pemalang)

Abstract: TQM or Total Quality Management is a management strategy shown to instill a quality awareness on all processes within the organization. In accordance with the ISO definition, TQM is "a management approach for a quality-centered organization based on the participation of all its members and aims for long-term success through customer satisfaction and benefits for all members of the organization and society."
This study uses leadership, commitment, strategic planning, and teamwork as independent variables and employee performance as a dependent variable. Population in this research is all employees of PT. Rimatex Putra Nusantara Wanarejan Taman Pemalang. The technique of semple taken is saturated sampling. With a semple number of 100 employees. The data obtained have been tested for reliability and validity by using validity and reliability test. The method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis.
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that there is a positive and significant influence of leadership, commitment, strategic planning, and teamwork on employee performance. From the results of the coefficient of determination shows that leadership, commitment, strategic planning, and teamwork have an effect on the performance of employees of PT. Rimatex Putra Nusantara is 57% while the rest 43% is explained by other variable not explained in this research.
Keywords: Leadership, Commitment, Strategic Planning, Teamwork, Employee Performance
Penulis: Idris Amarullah, Budi Sudaryanto
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170943

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Paket Lengkap Imbas Leader Member Exchange Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Kesepakatan Organisasi Pada Pt. Ponsel Jobs Indonesia First Media Surabaya

Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis imbas leader member exchange terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui kesepakatan organisasi sebagai variable mediasi. Sampel yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 88 karyawan yaitu seluruh karyawan pemasaran PT. Ponsel Jobs Indonesia First Media analisis data yang dipakai yakni Partial Least Square dengan santunan software SmartPLS3.0.
Hasil penelian ini mengambarkan bahwa Leader Member Exchange (LMX) besar lengan berkuasa faktual dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja karyawan. Hal tersebut didukung dengan indikator-indikator menyerupai perhatian dan keyakinan yang menciptakan kinerja karyawan meningkat. Komitmen organisasi yang tinggi juga menciptakan kinerja karyawan menjadi tinggi. Adanya impian untuk bertahan di perusahaan menciptakan kinerja karyawan meningkat.Komitmen Organisasi bisa memediasi antara imbas leader member exchange (LMX) terhadap kinerja karyawan.
Kata kunci: leader member exchange, kesepakatan organisasi, kinerja karyawan
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170944

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Paket Lengkap Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Situs Traveloka (Studi Pada Konsumen Traveloka Di Kota Semarang)

Abstract: Traveloka is an online site that provides flight reservation services and hotel reservations. However, in 2016 Traveloka for hotel room bookings decreased the number of purchases. This study aims to determine the influence that affect customer satisfaction and its impact on repurchase intention.
This study uses 7 variables, which is service quality, merk image, advertisement, price perception, customer satisfaction, trust and interest in repurchase intention. Analysis technique used in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS) 2.0 program.
The research results of this study indicate that there are two factors that affect customer satisfaction. First, by providing good service quality. However, the most influential process of repurchase interest is the quality of service that affects the merk image as one of the determinants of success in order to repurchase intention.
Keywords: service quality, merk image, advertisement, price perception, customer satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention
PENULIS: Ikka Septya Nuraini, Mudiantono Mudiantono
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170945

Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mensugesti Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Motor Sport Suzuki Di Kota Semarang)

Abstract: Competition in motorcycle sales among motorcycle manufacturers especially motor sport in Indonesia is very tight, one of which Suzuki sport bike sales decreased in 2012-2015, if this continues to happen is not impossible Suzuki will have difficulty to follow the competition with other competitors so that will have an impact on Suzuki's own survival. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of product quality, product innovation and merk trust on purchasing decisions Suzuki motor sport.
Samples in this study are consumers who buy and use Suzuki sport bikes in Semarang which amounted to 100 respondents selected by using purposive sampling method. The analytical technique used to process the data in this study using SPSS 20.
The results of the analysis in this study indicate that product quality and product innovation have a positive and significant effect on merk trust, then merk trust has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision. In addition, product quality does not significantly influence purchasing decisions and product innovations have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions.
Keywords: Product Quality, Product Innovation, Brand Trust, Purchase Decision
Penulis: Ilham Maulana S, Idris
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170946

Monday, March 14, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Budaya Organisasi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Tubuh Pengembangan Sumber Daya Insan Kawasan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)

Abstract: Employee performance is an important element in the organization. Like most other organizations, Human Resources Development Agency employess of Central Java Province also faces problems regarding the performance of its employees. Organizational culture issues that have not been fully implemented well and also monotonous working environment conditions that can affect the work motivation that will affect the performance.
This study aims to investigate the influence of organizational culture and work motivation to employee performance of Human Resources Development Agency employees of Central Java Province.
This study uses two independent variables, namely organizational culture and work motivation, as well as the dependent variable of employee performance. The sample in this research is 94 employees of Human Resources Develompent Agency employees of Central Java Province determined by using census method.
Based in multiple linier regression analysis, the result of this study indicate the variables of organizational culture and work motivation have a positive effect on employee performance. Adjusted r square value indicating that the independent variable can explain the dependent variabel of 37,9 % ,while the remaining is influenced by other variables not used in this study.
Keywords: Organizational culture, work motivation, and employee performance
Penulis: Immanuel Immanuel, Fuad Mas’ud
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170947

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Paket Lengkap Pengembangan Karier Pada Wanita (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Karyawan Wanita Pt. Semen Indonesia)

Abstract:Woman and man must have equality labor rights, including in their career development. Every employee has role to make the organization grow. This study address to see the implementation of the career development of the company for its employees especially those for women.
The purpose of this study was to analyze how participants perceived career development provided by the company. How they feel and experience in using or opportunity in career development. Besides, the research uncover the drivers and obstacles they face in developing their career. The method used in this study is qualitative method with phenomenological study approach. Data collected by interview, observation and documentation in certain periods.
The results showed in general career development is done without differentiating women and men. Women can balance their role in society, family and career even though the job description is not too small.
Keywords: career development, qualitative, woman employee, semen Indonesia
Penulis: Inryani Greysita Lumingkewas, Fuad Mas’ud
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170948

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Paket Lengkap Efek Dimensi Experiential Marketing Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen, Timbulnya Word Of Mouth Dan Minat Beli Ulang (Studi Kasus Jasa Pembersihan Kendaraan Maxx Carwash & Detailing Semarang)

Abstract: Maxx Carwash & Detailing is one of the premium carwash in Semarang. In the last two years, Maxx Carwash & Detailing began to experience symptoms of decline. Customer dissatisfaction of services and facilities is the reasons why people stop using a company’s service. Thus, the company needs to be able to implement strategies in order to keep or increase consumer interest in using services offered by Maxx Carwash & Detailing.
Maxx Carwash & Detailing has a dilema on the number of services that dropped significantly on two treatments offered. For car wash service during the period 2015 to 2016 there was a decrease in the number of services by 11.52%. As for the service doorsmeer decreased the amount of service amounted to 48.79%. In addition, in the pre-survey conducted, researchers also found some complaints from consumers, namely the most are a long service time and waiting room that is less comfortable..
This study aims to analyze the effects arising from sense experience, feel experience, think experience, act experience towards customer satisfaction and word of mouth in increasing customers’ intentions to repurchase Maxx Carwash & Detailing’s services. The method used in collecting data is insidental sampling. This study has 165 samples that were collected through questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed to the respondents who have ever tried using Maxx Carwash & Detailing’s services in Semarang. The data   collected were processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through AMOS ver. 23.0 by testing seven hypotheses.
Based on the research of data processing SEM for full model has met the criteria of goodness of fit as follows, the value of chi-square = 279,286; probability = 0,222; RMSEA = 0,020;  CMIN/DF = 1,066; TLI = 0,986; CFI = 0.988, and two marginal criteria which are GFI = 0,886 and AGFI = 0,859. With the result, it can be said that this model is feasible to be used. The result showed that sense experience through customer satisfaction and word of mouth has the most significant impact on repurchase intention. Thus, in order to increase repurchase intention, Maxx Carwash & Detailing needs to increase sense experience and customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Word of Mouth, Repurchase Intention
Penulis: Iqbal Naufaldy, I Made Sukresna
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170949

Friday, March 11, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Imbas Total Quality Management Terhadap Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial (Studi Pada Hotel Lor In Di Surakarta)

Abstract: This research is based on the increasing of occupancy at Lor In Surakarta Hotel is not balanced with sufficient human resources. Inadequate number of employees, insufficient human resource competence, and communication systems that are often hampered by the weather result in quality of service. This study aims to examine the effect of total quality management consisting of customer focus, employee engagement and empowerment, education and training, continuous improvement, and leadership towards managerial performance.
Determination of sample in research using slovin method which involves 60 respondents from all population of Hotel Lor In Surakarta. The method of analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression.
The results show that customer focus, employee engagement and empowerment, education and training, and continuous improvement are positively charged to managerial performance. While the leadership proved to have no effect on managerial performance.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Managerial Performance, Customer Focus, Engagement and Empowerment, Education and Training, Continuous Improvement, and Leadership
Penulis: Justicia Rian Putri, Amie Kusumawardhani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170950

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Paket Lengkap Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Forklift Brand Toyota (Studi Pada Pengguna Forklift Brand Toyota Di Jakarta)

Abstract: This research is aimed to analyze the influence of merk image, price perception, product quality, promotion and Customer relationship management to Toyota merk forklift purchase decision. This study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS program. The population used is the customer who had bought Forklift products in PT. Traktor Nusantara. While the sample used as many as 100 people with sample selection techniques non-probability sampling using accidental sampling. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between merk image of the purchase decision, There is a positive and significant relationship between price perceptions of purchasing decisions, There is a positive and significant relationship between product quality to purchase decision, There is a positive and significant relationship between Promotion of purchasing decisions, There is a positive and significant relationship between Customer relationship management to purchase decisions
Keywords: Brand Image, Price Perception, Product Quality, Promotion, Customer Relationship Management, Purchasing Decision
Penulis: Kevin Carollan Affandi, Sri Rahayu Tri Astuti
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170951

Paket Lengkap Imbas Kemudahan Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Pegawai Dinas Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)

Abstract: Human resources are the most important part to carry out the task and achieve the goal. From the results of employee performance data of the Industry and Trade of Central Java province occurred fluctuation. According to previous researchers factors of work facilities, non-physical work environment and job satisfaction affect employee performance. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of work facilities, non-physical work environment and job satisfaction on employee performance
Data collection method used in this research is questionnaires dissemination by using purposive sampling method, the sample used in this research is employees of Industry and Trade Service of Central Java Province as much as 78 respondents who have working period more than four (4) years. This research uses data analysis methods such as validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, F test and t test.
The results of this study indicate that work facilities, non-physical work environment and job satisfaction affect employee performance. Adjusted R Square value of 55.2%, which means that performance can be explained by the variable working facilities, non-physical work environment and job satisfaction. The remaining 44.8% can be explained by other variables.
Keywords: Working Facilities, Non Physical Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
Penulis: Khoirul Anam, Edy Rahardja
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170952

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Paket Lengkap Gaya Kepemimpinan Yang Diinginkan Karyawan (Studi Pada Tubuh Pengembangan Sumber Daya Insan Kawasan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)

Abstract: Culture in a country has a close relationship to leadership in the country. The man is a leader for himself. Every human being has the desired leadership criteria. This research will discuss what kind of lead character the employee wants.
The purpose of this research is to investigate what kind of leadership style desired by employees at Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah. The method used is a qualitative method with phenomenology study approach, in which data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation in a certain period. Methods are chosen on the grounds that research can be done in a more focused and in-depth manner.
The results of this research indicates that the leadership desired by the employees is the leadership that gives the form of attention outside the work affairs, the leader who want to go down directly, embrace, democratic, listen to the voice of the staff, walk according to existing rules, and want to familiarize themselves with the staff .
Keywords: national culture, leadership style, qualitative, bpsdmd provinsi jawa tengah
Penulis: Levina Marpaung, Fuad Mas’ud
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170953

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Paket Lengkap Studi Sikap Mahasiswa Dalam Contoh Pengambilan Keputusan Penggunaan Jasa Bimbingan Berguru (Studi Pada Jasa Bimbingan Berguru Mahasiswa Buka Buku Dengan Pendekatan Studi Kasus)

ABSTRACT: Buka Buku is the only business that is engaged in education services that are presented to students for tutoring services. Buka Buku itself is currently focused on Undip, exactly to helpacademics students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Undip. However, Buka Bukuexperienced a gap between S-I and D-III students in students purchasing power. It affects thedifference of class proportion between S-I and D-III students. This study aims to determine thebehavior of students that occur today, and the impact of student behavior on the pattern of decisionmaking use of tutoring services Buka Buku. In addition, this study aims to know the right way inserving students, especially the segment of students Diploma III.
This research uses Theory of Planned Behavior theory. There are three main variables in the theory in determining the intention of behaving a person, where the intention is to form a person'sbehavior. These variables are attitude toward the behavior, perceived norm, and perceivedbehavioral control. Methods and approaches conducted in this study using qualitative research methods with case study approach. The preparation of this research using Patton model with Miles and Huberman model analysis technique.
The result of the research shows how the student behavior, to know the factors causing student decision making. In addition, this study presents the decision making pattern of the use ofBuka Buku services based on the relationship between the factors that make up student decisions.Therefore, an effective strategy can be done in serving the student segment at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business Undip, especially the D-III students.
Keywords: qualitative, Theory of Planned Behavior theory, consumer behavior, decision making pattern
Penulis: M. Rizky Al Caesar, I Made Sukresna
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170954

Monday, March 7, 2016

Paket Lengkap Imbas Materialism Value Dan Gosip Produk Terhadap Minat Beli Produk Donasi

Abstract: This research was conducted to test the effect of Materialism Value and information of product variable to Buying Interest of Charity Product. This research also aimed to analyze the difference of high materialism value and low materialism value to the buying interest of charity product, whether materialism value level can influence buying interest of charity product and also analyzing whether the information of charity product that have been given to the participants can influence the relationship between materialism value with buying interest charity product.
The research methodology used on this research is quasi field experiment. The number of participants used was 80 participants, consisting of 40 participants for the group that  obtained the information of the charity product and 40 participants for the group who did not got the information of charity product. The data analysis test used  is Two Ways Anova with factorial design of two independent variables and independent t test to know the comparison between the experimental research group.
The result of the analysis showed that materialism value did not affect the buying interest of charity product, information of charity product has an influence on buying interest of charity product, and the interaction between materialism value and information of charity product did not affect to buying interest of charity product. The statistical results showed that H1 and H2 are accepted while H3 and H4 were rejected. The statistical results showed the differences in buying interest in charity product among high materialism value groups and low materialism value groups that obtain information of charity product.
Keywords: Materialism Value, Information of Charity Product, Buying Interest of Charity Product
Penulis: Maria Anastasia Tambunan, Farida Indriani
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170955

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Paket Lengkap The Impact Of Website Design Quality, Service Quality, And Enjoyment On Repurchase Intention Through Satisfaction And Trust At Zalora

Abstract: The advance of technology creates the new business animo by using internet. is one of the e-commerce uses website and application to deliver fashion products to the customers. The quality of website and application is the key to build the trust and satisfaction to the customers. needs a strategy to maintain the service quality and enjoyment through its website and application in order to keep and increase the customer repurchase intention on
This study aims to analyze the influence of factors of repurchase intention on Website design quality, service quality and enjoyment as independent variables and repurchase intention as dependent variable. This research uses satisfaction and trust as intervening variables. Sample of this research is the application users and visitors' Zalora website in 2016 who had made a minimum of two purchases. The sampling method in this research is judgment sampling. The analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling – PLS.
The results of this study show website design quality, service quality and enjoyment have positive effect on repurchase intention. The indirect influence of website design quality through satisfaction and trust has a negative effect.
Keywords: Website Design Quality, Enjoyment, Service Quality, Repurchase Intention
Penulis: Marko Tatang, Mudiantono
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd170956